The Origin of Nebelung Cats. In the early 1980s, a lady called Cora Cobb gifted her son a black domestic short-hair cat to her son. Nebelungs are rare and may be difficult to find. This didn't go down well with some Russian Blue breeders, and the Nebelung was given status as an entirely new breed by The International Cat Association in 1987 and then, later, the American Cat Fanciers Association. The Nebelung Cat is known to be a rare domesticated breed. Nebelungs have long bodies, wide-set green eyes, long and dense fur, and mild dispositions. See all Nebelung cat breed facts and traits below! While this is a relatively new and rare breed, you may be able to find these kitties in breed specific rescues or local shelters. This relatively new and rare breed is intended to resemble an ideal vision of early nineteenth century longhairs that may have had their origins in Russia. If you're looking only for purebred cats or kittens, it's a good idea to find out which genetic illnesses are common to the breed you're interested in. The International Cat Association gave the cats New Breed status in 1987 and full recognition in 1997. Daily dental hygiene is best, but weekly teeth brushing is better than nothing. The Nebelung possesses a double coat. It may be hard to find a breed specific rescue for Nebelung cats because they are a somewhat rare. These parental cats belonged to a breeder … The Nebelung cat breed is the longhaired variety of the Russian Blue. Article by Pets4Homes. Because they are a new and rare breed, it may mean you have to wait to secure a Nebelung from a reputable breeder. Nebelung Cat: Rare? Breed: Nebelung cat Size: Medium-Large, 5 to 16 lbs That said, some Nebelungs may fall outside of that range. Males have a distinct neck ruff, but females are not as well endowed. The Nebelung is a rare breed of domestic cat.It means "creature of the mist" in German. The Nebelung (pronounced as Nay-bel-ung) is a rarely found domestic cat, attaining its name from the German word Nebel, meaning ‘mist’ or ‘fog’ which perfectly describes its silky blue semi-long coat blended with a silvery hue at the tips. The Nebelung is also recognized by the Cat Fanciers Federation and the Traditional Cat Association. The Nebelung is accepting of other animals, including dogs, as long as they arenât chased or menaced by them. Breed Snapshot. A medium-length double coat covers the body, increasing in length from the shoulder to the tail. Brush the teeth to prevent periodontal disease. If you want to find out about other cats similar to the Nebelung, why not look into one of the following: There are lots of wonderful cat breeds out there, and with a little research, you can find one that will be best suited to your home and lifestyle. Additional articles that will interest you: The Nebelung cat breed was developed by Cora Cobb of the Nebelheim Cattery. When this cat mated with a Russian Blue male, it resulted in one kitten from the litter having long, blue hair. Trim the nails every couple of weeks. However, shedding does vary among the breeds. Their name is German and means “creature of the mist,” a reference to the cat’s shimmering silvery-blue coat, which gives the appearance of floating around the cats body. Front of a rare Nebelung cat with green eyes gazing forward in a garden. Nebelung Cat Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics, & Facts. They have a strong sense of self-worth and donât like being made fun of. Nebelung. 2.9K likes. This long-haired feline was bred by German cats in the 19th century and has been bred to the modern-day Nebelung. An ownerâs main concern will probably be this cat's hearty appetite, which can turn them from sleek to stout in no time. Grey. Their coat is very distinctive. More ideas for you Keep the Nebelungâs litter box spotlessly clean. It is not uncommon for them to reach eighteen years of age. Since they are uncommon, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a pure breed Nebelung cat anywhere but from a Nebelung cat breeder. The Nebelung Cat is not the rarest purebred cat but the breed is one of the rarest (on a scale of 1-10 this breed ranks 7). Enjoy Watching This Compilation With These Nebelug Cats ! When you are at home, their subtle sense of humor and manual dexterity will never fail to entertain. Portrait of a long-haired gray cat Nebelung close-up. They are a breed that is well-suited to apartment living. Russian Blues who carried the gene for long hair were imported from eastern Europe in the late 1980s and contributed to the development of the breed. The Nebelung looks much like the elegant-yet-muscular Russian Blue, but with a thick, shimmering, medium-length coat. The Nebelungs long, double coat can take up to two years to come in fully. They Are Soo Adorable And Cute! This is a page for people who Have, Had, Want to Have, Wish they Had or just Like the Nebelung cat breed. Graceful, intelligent, and affectionate, these cats have wonderful traits that would suit almost any loving family. Its origin, dating back to the 1980s, is the result of a cross between the Russian blue cat and the American longhair cat. While they can live happily alongside quiet and gentle children, and other cats or dogs, they are not a cat that needs or thrives on their company. All cats need to be fed a quality, high-protein diet. Is the Nebelung the right pet for your lifestyle? This is a cat who does best in a quiet, stable environment. Some cats are more likely than others to be accepting of other pets in the home. They are very muscular, agile cats. It may be hard to find a breed specific rescue for Nebelung cats because they are a somewhat rare. Also, this is the only longhaired cat breed that has one coat colour, blue 1.Although rare it is recognised as a championship breed by TICA (The International Cat … 35. A long, slender neck sometimes looks shorter than it actually is because of the Nebelungâs dense fur. First appearing in the early 1980s, this long-haired distant relative of the Russian Blue is still somewhat rare to find. They are known for being gentle and mild-mannered, but also playful and very affectionate with their immediate family members. Focus on nose and whiskers Portrait of a long-haired gray cat Nebelung. Some cat breeds are reputed to be smarter than others. It has a long body covered by a thick silvery and blue coat, a slender neck, and wide ears. If you take the time to develop a relationship with a Nebelung, your reward will be a deep bond with this loving cat. Sometimes it also has silver tips, and this gives it an even more shimmering appearance. Nebelung Cat Species information. When choosing a breed, think about how the cat vocalizes and how often. They are obligate carnivores and should never be fed dog food. The Nebelung (with the 'Ne-' pronounced as 'Nay-') is a very graceful, elegant cat that boasts having a lovely, dense, soft and silky semi-long coat that shimmers thanks to each hair being silver-tipped. It is important to consider these facts to help you decide whether you are ready for long-term pet ownership. The Nebelung, once they get to know you, makes strong bonds with their family. You should make sure you have lots of appropriate toys and other forms of enrichment around the house to keep them stimulated, exercised and entertained. Our ratings are generalizations, and they're not a guarantee of how any breed or individual cat will behave; cats from any breed can be good with children based on their past experiences and personality. The Nebelung is a new and relatively rare breed. The Nebelung is a rare kind of cat breed. Often they will tolerate them more than developing strong bonds. If constant "conversation" drives you crazy, consider a kitty less likely to chat. Nebelungs who go outdoors also run the risk of being stolen by someone who would like to have such a beautiful cat without paying for one. Cat. Consider whether you have the time and patience for a cat who needs daily brushing. You should definitely pick upÂ. A Nebelung Cat is a breed of small cat and one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. Nebelung History This doesn't mean that every cat of that breed will develop those diseases; it just means that they're at an increased risk. They are close relatives of the short-haired Russian Blue. Just make sure you laugh with them, not at them. The top coat is … Fur covering the back of the upper thighs gives the Nebelung the appearance of wearing pantaloons. As we state in the introduction, these cats were born as kittens from a cross between a Russian Blue and an American Longhair cat. Itâs ideal if the fur is silver-tipped, which makes the coat seem to glisten, but often silver tipping is noticeable only on the head and shoulders. This aspect of their personality, combined with their reserved nature around strangers, means that they benefit from early and ongoing socialization to help minimize the chances of them becoming a nervous cat. In German, the word, Nebelung means ‘creature of the mist’. Some breeds sound off more often than others with meows, yowls, and chattering. No, this shy but loyal and intelligent cat is a member of a rare breed known as the Nebelung. Introduce pets slowly and in controlled circumstances to ensure that they learn to get along together. Taking its name from “The Ring of the Nibelung”, composed by Richard Wagner, the recently created Nebelung breed already has a rich and storied history. The Nebelung is one of the newest cat breeds and is still relatively rare. Distinction. If your Nebelung tolerates having their teeth brushed, this will help to minimize the chance of them developing periodontal disease, which is one of the most often seen diseases in cats. Itâs a good idea to keep a Nebelung as an indoor-only cat to protect them from catching diseases spread by other cats, suffering attacks by dogs or coyotes, and the other dangers that face cats who go outdoors, such as being hit by a car. In the mid-eighties, her son's cat had another litter, and this time there was a female kitten with the same type of hair. Unlike some active, intelligent breeds, they're not destructive but move through the house with the lithe grace of a Russian ballerina. The Nebelung is a rare breed of the domestic cat. Origins. The Nebelungâs long, dense coat should be combed twice a week to remove dead hair and distribute skin oils. This domestic cat is known for its dense coat. Stunning Rare Pedigree Nebelung female available to a home, only pet - Spayed. Ministry of Magic Classification. You could also have to travel further afield to find one. Although a playful kitten sounds endearing, consider how many games of chase the mouse-toy you want to play each day, and whether you have kids or other animals who can stand in as playmates. More Cats 101 Video: | The Nebelung is a rare breed of domestic cat. Domestic cat breeds and hybrids linear portraits collection isolated on white. © 2020 All rights reserved. It is the longhaired variety of the Russian Blue Cat. The Nebelung is a medium-sized cat with a long body. It is easy to mix up Nebelung cats with Russian Blue. Cora also kept her and called her Brunhilde. The medium-long coat needs twice-weekly brushing. Adopt if youâd like to bring one of these cats into your home. This is because of the rarity of this breed. Nebelungs have long bodies, wide-set green eyes, long and dense fur, and mild dispositions. Their name is German and means âcreature of the mist,â a reference to the catâs shimmering silvery-blue coat that seems to float over their body. Cattime is a property of TotallyHer Media, LLC, an Evolve Media, LLC company. Its name in German means creature of the mist. This is a handsome cat with an unusual slate-blue coat that often looks gray due to the silver tipping on the hair. Consequently, they may be better suited to living in a house without young children or excitable, high-energy dogs. Count on them to be a faithful alarm clock in the morning--not so you donât miss work, but so they donât miss a meal. Their tail is at least as long as their body from shoulder blades to rear end, covered in fur that is longer than the body hair. This means they are considered a healthy overall. Supporting the body are long, medium-boned legs set on medium-size, well-rounded oval paws with generous tufting between the toes. The Nebelung is a rare cat breed and one of only a few all-blue cats. The Nebelung cat is a rare and unusual breed, which was founded in 1984 and so is also a n... All Cat Breeds Cute Cat Breeds Blue Cats Grey Cats Nebelung Cat Sweet Dogs Beautiful Kittens Russian Blue Cat Facts. Country of Origin: Thai-Burma border (modern-day Thailand and Myanmar) Price: $200… They are known for being gentle and mild-mannered, but also playful and very affectionate with their immediate family members. The Nebelung is a new and relatively rare breed. Interactive cat toys are a good way to give a cat a brain workout and keep them out of mischief. Males have a thicker ruff around their neck too. Introduction. If possible, you should also try to get into a good dental hygiene routine. Obesity in cats is common, and it can lead to a lot of related health conditions. Although they are loving and loyal with those they know, they can be a little reserved, and sometimes even aloof, with strangers. Extant. The Spruce Pets uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our, The Best Cat Breeds With the Longest Lifespans, Balinese Cat (Long-Haired Siamese): Cat Breed Profile, Norwegian Forest Cat (Wegie): Cat Breed Profile. They often develop a particularly close attachment to one person and will follow them devotedly wherever in the house they go. Non-magical. Created in the United States in the 1980s, the nebelung is a rare breed that has become prized for its long, soft coat and understated, mild-mannered personality. They are close relatives of the short-haired Russian Blue. Large ears are wide at the base with pointed tips, and rich, deep-green eyes have a slightly oval shape and are set wide apart. Status. They are not prolific shedders, but their coat will require regular weekly grooming to ensure that it does not become matted or tangled. Nebelungs have a tolerant nature toward children who treat them kindly and respectfully, but they can be wary of younger children who pet them clumsily. These sellers make claims that the parents are genuine pedigree even though they are not registered either. Nebelung are sometimes known for being fussy about their food, but, once they find something they like, they can easily become overweight if they are spoilt. Nebelung Cat Breeders List There are only a limited number of Nebelung cat breeders as this is a very rare cat breed. Their rarity means they won't often be found in rescue shelters either. Nebelungs are known to thrive on routine, and lots of changes can often make them feel unsettled and anxious. Friendliness toward other household animals and friendliness toward humans are two completely different things. They are indeed creatures of the mist. A second litter produced a female longhaired blue kitten whom Cobb named Brunhilde. Although they love receiving cuddles and affection when you are around, they are not a particularly needy cat, and they are generally happy being left while you go to work. It was first bred in the USA and is very similar to a Russian Blue. Appearances. The Nebelung stands out for their luxurious coat and striking color. Cat Experts Needed!? A good place to start your search would be through Pet Finder. They are also known for their longevity. I've just recently did some research, and he looks exactly like a Nebelung. They tend to weigh in at seven to 15 pounds with females generally being smaller than males. Avoid using cotton swabs, which can damage the interior of the ear. But all cats, if deprived the mental stimulation they need, will make their own busy work. monitoring_string = "44e5bb901650ec61e9e0af1ff1bef5fe". The Nebelung is a medium-sized breed with a long and graceful body. See Cats with Low Potential for Playfulness, See Cats with Lower Tendency to Vocalize. However, you may want to try shelters and rescues that cater to all types of cats, including Nebelungs, as well as your local shelter. The Russian Blue is more common though, and you may be able to find this shorter-haired breed with a similar personality in a cat rescue somewhere across the country. We took a medium-long haired grey one into our home, and I've always thought of it being a mix or a mut of some sort. Nebelung cats are most often adopted from a breeder, rather than from a shelter. In 1984, Cora Cobb bred a black domestic shorthair cat with a cat … 82. If you're a neatnik, you'll need to either pick a low-shedding breed or relax your standards. Cobb was inspired by a kitten named Siegfried, the only longhaired blue kitten in a litter fathered by a longhaired black cat and born to a black domestic shorthair named Elsa. sitzende Nebelung / sitting cat. Check the ears weekly. The relative rarity of the Nebelung cat breed is understandable when you consider how recently they have been established. Lack of attention can cause them to become anxious or fearful. Because they are a new breed, Nebelungs have not had the chance to develop lots of inherited conditions. At this stage cat breeders can be found in Europe and the United States of America . Guests will not receive this cat's immediate attention and may never see them unless they decide the humans are worthy of their notice, but toward family members, especially their favored person, the Nebelung is ever loyal, following them through the house and even riding on a shoulder. Siegfried and Brunhilde became the foundation of a new breeding program and produced their first litter in 1986. They are athletic-looking cats characterized by long limbs and body. The International Cat Association breed standard for the Nebelung calls for them to have a modified wedge-shaped head that is more pointed than rounded, although his long hair may give the head a rounded look. The body is whatâs called semi-foreign, meaning it is moderate in shape, falling somewhere between the short, compact body of breeds such as Persians and the sleek angles of Oriental breeds such as the Siamese. If you're going to share your home with a cat, you'll need to deal with some level of cat hair on your clothes and in your house. The Nebelung is quieter than most breeds, initially shy but affectionate and exceptionally well-mannered. The Nebelung is a sensitive cat who doesnât like to be ignored and will be hurt if they donât receive the same amount of affection they give. Behind the ears is feathering in a lighter shade of blue. The name Nebelung is derived from the German word for mist or fog, Nebel, and a medieval Germanic saga the Nibelungenlied and is intended to represent the cat's distinctive silky blue coat. This cat may have a reserved nature, but they love to play--being especially fond of retrieving--and enjoy jumping or climbing to high places where they can study people and situations at their leisure before making up their mind about whether they want to get involved. Nebelungs can be outcrossed to Russian Blues. The Nebelung cat is a rather rare breed of the domestic feline. See all the characteristics of the Nebelung Cat, below! It is important to ensure that you do not overfeed your Nebelung. The coat is different from that of pure blue cats. CFA Rank Number as of 2017: No. Blue Cats Grey Cats Long Hair Cat Breeds Nebelung Cat Turkish Angora Cat Long Haired Cats Warrior Cats Domestic Cat Beautiful Cats. The Nebelung is a very new breed of cat, and their name means 'creature of the mist' in German, as a result of their beautiful, shiny silver-blue coat. The coat typically does not develop fully until the cat is two years old. Please do not be scammed by people selling long haired grey cats and labelling them as Nebelung. 6 years ago, a stray cat had a litter of kittens under my neighbours hot tub deck. The breed was first developed in the United States and they do look very similar to the Russian Blue although their coats are that much longer. The Nebelung has a reputation as a gentle, quiet cat, somewhat shy, but donât get the wrong idea. Their beautiful, medium long blue coat combine with a shy but very loving personality. Being tolerant of children, sturdy enough to handle the heavy-handed pets and hugs they can dish out, and having a nonchalant attitude toward running, screaming youngsters are all traits that make a kid-friendly cat. Use a separate area of the cloth for each eye so you donât run the risk of spreading any infection. The Nebelung is generally healthy. However, you may want to try shelters and rescues that cater to all types of cats, including Nebelungs, as well as your local shelter. They are very particular about bathroom hygiene, and a clean litter box will help to keep their coat clean, as well. Although Nebelung cats gain their full recognition as a breed in 1997, they are still rare breed, widespread through European countries like France, Germany, and Italy in spite of its American origin. Mortality. This will often not have a high enough protein content and could be lacking in sufficient additional nutrients that cats require in higher amounts, like Taurine. Both pedigreed cats and mixed-breed cats have varying incidences of health problems that may be genetic in nature. She has been involved in the Pet Industry for over 15 years. Their gorgeous looks, elegant movements, and somewhat aloof nature add to their mystery and allure, giving them an almost mythical quality. Over the years, the Nebelung has become a popular choice outside of American thanks not only … The outer coat is fine and silky, topping an undercoat that is soft and downy. If they look dirty, wipe them out with a cotton ball or soft damp cloth moistened with a 50-50 mixture of cider vinegar and warm water. Due to poor breeding practices, some breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems. Appearance Nebelungs have long, graceful necks and torsos, with a modified wedge-shaped head and medium-sized ears. Cora was taken with this cat, and she kept him and called him Siegfried. Gemma is a Freelance Writer and Animal Welfare Advocate. While the Nebelung loves your company, they're capable of entertaining themselves during the day while you are at work. Some Nebelung kittens are born with âghost stripes,â a reminder of the tabby gene that all cats carry, even if it isnât expressed in their coat, but these generally fade, leaving the cat with the solid blue coat of maturity. Kittens may have yellowish-green eyes, but by the time they are two years old they should have developed into the vivid green of maturity. Related to. Yes, the Nebelung is a rare breed of cat, so it may be difficult to find one. Their general appearance is that of a long, sturdy, well-muscled cat. Wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth to remove any discharge. Rare pedigree breed. The Nebelung is generally healthy, however. Hair colour. It is not unusual for them to hide away when people are visiting the house. Some cat breeds are typically independent and aloof, even if they've been raised by the same person since kittenhood; others bond closely to one person and are indifferent to everyone else; and some shower the whole family with affection. 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