I cooked the ham by roasting it in the oven. Rub the cure mix on all surfaces evenly, cover, and refrigerate. or 4 Tlb., and that seems like too much also, but I just don't know; and other then the manufacturerer and your recipe, I haven't found anything else. It is important to know if the ham you buy is dry cured or wet cured, as this will make a difference in how you cook, serve, and store the meat. Donna, I'm so glad to hear of your success- enjoy the hams! Remove ham from the package and place largest cut surface face down in a baking pan. It's not a dry cured ham, and I'm almost certain it's injected with brine or something. Can't comment on lamb, but I cure ham hocks and beef regularly in exactly the manner you describe. (From left) honey, brown sugar, reduced sodium soy sauce, hot sauce, and regular mustard. Bourbon-Glazed Ham deepens the flavor of a brown sugar/honey/pineapple glaze with a generous measure of bourbon whiskey. Cover pan securely with nonstick foil. Step 1. 3. Step 2. I have the nitrates and FD&C #3 (the pink color in the pink salts)available I'm wondering if I can delete the salt and use the sugar as carrier of the nitrate and pink colorant? eatlikenoone from Saline, MI on April 19, 2011: Thanks for writing this hub. If you pump 10%, then you are going to cure your ham 6-10 days. Never a fail! Thoughts? I actually have a mix equal to #2 which contains 6.25% sodium nitrite, and 3.63% sodium nitrate that I bought to make some sausage. Cure the ham for 75 to 90 days, at approximately 2 1/2 to 3 days per pound of meat. to inject them with #1 pink salt. Thanks, I use Sure Cure made by Excalibur for curing my bacons and hams. I put it back in the fridge as soon as I foundit, is it ruined? How much brine you make depends on how big your piece of meat is. Great info however I've read a lot about how dangerous nitrites are. The lamb doesn't smell like it's spoiled. I have done a lot of reading. Since all my meat products are immediately frozen after production I'm not concerned about long term room temp or reefer temp storage. Combine butter and honey then massage into ham. I will report back on how this works out. Should I keep all the meat in the brine for a full 24 hours? That seems like w-a-y too much. What I do to ensure even dilution is dissolve pure sodium nitrite in water, in a ratio by weight of 6.75% sodium nitrite and 93.25% water. Apparently when they enter the body they form one of the most toxic carcinagens known to science!! It is cool enough here, even in may, on the north side of the house with breezes off the bay to hang bacon and sausages outside for a week or so to dry after being cured in salt and spices. Mix the dry rub, and rub the ham, making sure it's well covered. Just read that Morton has a curing product that has the nitrite in it called 'Tender Quick', so if you can find that, it can save us from finding Pink Salt. I like to get some of the honey butter mixture in between the slices. I am starting from scratch using Morton' Sugar Insta-Cure. Periodically drain the liquid away— honestly, I just drained mine once or twice. More Cast Iron Chef. I used an injector Question did I ruin the meat? The curing part I get, I've smoked fish in the past. Just want to say thank you for this post. I believe it's around 700 degrees that it gets dangerous so most governments require by law that stores keep there bacon at under 100 parts per million. I am wondering does Morton's Tender Quick cure so fast that it only needs hours? i have a salinator to test the brine strength. I hope you can help. And why I see no reason why white sugar can't be substituted for brown, as it's a lot cheaper, you can make brown sugar at home. 2. My ham has a couple more hours in the smoker, but tried a piece about 3 hours into the smoking--a bit salty for me, hoping some of that will go away as the meat finishes smoking. It will cure at the rate of 2 pounds per day. Ensure the meat is fully submerged. Put the leg in a curing net to keep the shape. I'm very fortunate to have a friend with a small farm--chickens, cattle, and this year, for the first time, pigs. https://www.hormel.com/Recipes/Cure-81-Bone-In-Honey-Glazed-Ham thank you, Do I have to use nitrates to cure my own ham I have two children who are sensitive to nitrates can I use extra salt to cure the ham instead. Place kosher salt, brown sugar, pickling spice, and pink salt in a container large enough to hold the brine and the ham. About the amount of cure – It’s tough for me to give you much advice. Latest. It is important to know if the ham you buy is dry cured or wet cured, as this will make a difference in how you cook, serve, and store the meat. Just put white sugar in a food processor, and put in enough unsulphured molasses to turn it to brown sugar. Do you know how many pounds are advisable to cure with those ingredients proportions? Our ham and bacon cures are guaranteed to make the most succulent ham and bacon! This recipe makes enough cure to do quite a few hams, so if you are only doing a ham or 2, then you may wish to half the recipe. I inadvertently bought a ready cured piece of pork! 2 liters equals .53 gal., so for 2 gal. If warming in the slow cooker, trim ham to fit (if needed). Honey Glazed Ham is your homemade answer to that famous honey-baked ham. I first want to say I really enjoyed your article on brining a ham. Then you start your fire for smoking, don't know what the temp would be and I think you smoked it for 6 or 8 days. How to Salt Cure a Wild Hog Ham By greatoutdoordinary on December 14, 2016 • ( 0). Add unlimited recipes. It costs me $1.00 a package at my butchers shop. Once ready and cool down, we design square shapes with a knife on the fat part. F. for one hour without smoke. 5 pound boneless Boston butt, a.k.a. It's that time of year again!! You will need less nitrite with the more brine you inject. The process of curing is what gives the meat its bold flavor. Put a layer of curing mix on the tray to act as a bed for the ham… Stir in the pink salt then pour over the ham, adding more water as needed to … It … By Jamie Carlson, and Josh Dahlke. Disclaimer: Nutrition facts are derived from linked ingredients (shown at left in colored bullets) and may or may not be complete. My goal is a good writer to encouraging people to do for themselves, the things they think that can't and I am sure ham is high on that list. We can help you live a simpler and more rewarding lifestyle. For example, if you are adding the ham to a soup or stew, use two-thirds of the amount called for in the recipe. That is a huge range. I am about to start the brining and will follow the recipe to a T except for this pink salt. It took less than 4 hours to get the internal temperature to 160 degrees. Really all you need is pork, salt and a sweetener. You can turn a pork roast into ham right in your crockpot (this is my favorite one). I generally dislike ham but this was so different and wonderful. Glaze the ham the last 1/2 hr. Latest. We don’t cure for this purpose anymore, but rather to give the ham a great flavor and color.If you don’t have a fresh ham from your own hog you can find fresh ham at a meat market or packing house. Bring two quarts of water to a boil and then pour over what’s in the bucket. I recent had my first taste of lamb ham...yes I know what you're thinking. Worked a treat. Honey can also be used, you know the flavor of honey. 3. I then cranked the heat-up to 400F in order to brown the ham and make the skin crispy. I am definitely going to try it. I don't like sweet taste, what is the effect other than taste by the sugar? How to Turn Pork into Ham. Put it inside your fridge, and let it cure. Hi, this is all very informative. Stir until well combined. If it were me, I’d use the lesser amount, but I can’t guarantee that I’d be right! to compare to. Pork typically takes about eight hours per pound to cure. Can you safely cure a pork butt or belly that has been frozen? This is the formula for deciding how long to let it cure for: The diameter of your piece of meat in inches + 3 days. Add 1/2 cup water to the pan. help!!!! Soak a stockenett in some liquid smoke (to make it easier to peel of the stocknett bag)then place the ham in the stock. It was roasted initially on a lower temperature and covered in aluminum foil for 2 hours. Place the ham in a large container, cover with cold water, and allow it to stand 10 to 12 hours or overnight. 2 tsp Spice to taste (thyme for lamb, black pepper & cloves for ham) Prague #1 Cure –optional! The cure does turn the meat pink – which makes it look nice and ham-like, but it serves a more important purpose, and that is eliminating the risk of botulism. My husband and I have just made our first ham for Christmas. Custom folders. Ok so first time here I bought a curing kit from the sausage maker. In our family, we always got a big Honey Baked Ham for the holidays… a ham for Easter and either a ham or turkey breast for Thanksgiving. Jennifer Mondora (Australia) on January 29, 2012: Hi Guys, I have bought my leg of pork but it is much smaller. The temperature will need to be between 36 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. I upped the sugar with a little syrup and molasses. Thanks..... John D Lee (author) on February 16, 2010: Hey that's great! Guns. The Picnic Ham is economical, and easier to handle because of the size. We do have pink salt naturally in Australia. I am making a ham for the first time. A one ounce package will do 25 lbs of meat. So if you decide to cure your ham in winter (when most people butcher hogs) you could potentially hang the ham outside in a building. If it comes out too salty, I will leach out some of the salt in water. I've been meaning to cook it up in the crock pot with some beans but I've just been too busy. If you’ll be warming your ham in the oven – omit this step. 2. Remove the pot from the heat. I understand you salt down the fresh meat first for about 5 or 6 weeks, then take the meat and wash the salt off of it, hang it and coat it with a mixture of brownsugar, red pepper and maybe syrup or molasses. To this end I make Na free bread, sausages, dips, mayonassise, spice mixes, and the only item I haven't worked out is a taste alike ham. The Sausage maker has the salts you need on their web site. Phillip from Houston, Texas on July 22, 2019: I am going to use this recipe to brine a whole ham. Thanks. I have no idea what a unsmoked cured ham would taste like comparitively. I have just bought another green ham and we are going to make another. We just finnished curing two hams and put them in the smoker for several hours. Brining and smoking venison into ham is easier than you might think. How to Salt Cure Ham at Home. You can then use this interchangeable in recipes - so if a recipe calls for 10 grams of pink salt, you can use 10 grams of your nitrite water solution. Beautiful! Depending on your ham and your slow cooker, you may need to shave off a little bit to make the ham fit. Take a fresh ham with skin on, wash off in water and pat dry. Yes I'm sure it is minute amounts each serving, however over time or if you eat a lot of hams, you are at risk of disease/cancer.... On the other hand I'm not the biggest fan of botulism either. Ad Partners: SheKnows Media - Lifestyle - See Full Partners List>. There are two kinds of American ham, of course, wet-cured and dry-cured. Help wanted...please, I am a sufferer of CHF and Hypertension. Cover and cook on HIGH for 4 hours, then turn to LOW for 5+ hours. of water to cover the meat in my brining container. I've just got hold of another leg and I"m going to give the shoulder cut a whirl as well, just to see the difference. How about potassium metabisulphite? Yes, you want to get sodium nitrite, not potassium nitrate. Cure for 10 days, then fetch it out and wash it off. You can find this curing salt in better supermarkets and specialty food stores. I think I'll use apple in the smoker for those, and substitute maple syrup for part of the sugar in brining the bacon. Smoky to briny, we've got all the flavors you need for perfect pork. If you are dealing with leftover ham that is too salty, you can still make use of it by using less. Well, it did, and I have ham I can eat again. If necessary, weight the meat down under a clean plastic container filled with water. F. Place in the fridge. nitrite converts in your body so fast that it would have to be really high. To make quality lardo, the backfat needs to be at least an inch thick. Spray pump … As a carcinogen it only becomes dangerous in bacon because ppl tend to fry bacon at extreme temperatures. In that case, a 6-pound ham will cure in about two days. The time period to leave a loin , a leg or belly in brine seems a bit wishy washy and not uniform at all with the many receipes i've read. Hi! Take a fresh ham with skin on, wash off in water and pat dry. View line-by-line Nutrition Insights™: Discover which ingredients contribute the calories/sodium/etc. I am not sure how much photos will help, as the meat doesn't look that different from uncured meat while raw. Then pour four quarts of cold water into the bucket. HI, i am curing 2 hams and have cured 10 pork bellies this year. picnic shoulder. Tony Inzana ( ajitony09@gmail.com on December 22, 2019: Would You cure bacon's with that same brine recipe? Place your ham in the plastic container that you’ll be using to cure it. Hams must be brined for days in order for the salt solution to penetrate deeply through the flesh and prevent spoilage. Give it a good mix and massage evenly onto your ham. I seem to find varied answers on the net to this question. Now mix the brine in a pot and cook up and … This ready to use curing salt is sold as a pre-mixed combination of 93.75% salt and 6.25% nitrite. Some white mold on the surface is normal, and may be scraped away easily along with any residual curing mixture. What king of nitrite should I get? (Example: 4 inch diameter ham would be 4+3= 7 days) My smallest one took 6 days, and the largest 8 days. Or will the curing salts/ nitrate make it ok? @earlyforest -- I have a basic honey baked ham recipe that I use every year, if you're interested. Stir to dissolve. https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/honey-cured-ham/139765, Get Detailed Nutrition Facts on Any Recipe. John D Lee (author) on December 26, 2009: Provided the meat was stored appropriately prior to freezing, then you can safely cure it once defrosted. is tender quick the same as Insta cure or pink salt? Curing and smoking pulls the moisture from the ham to make it safe to store at room temperature. Bake at 325º F for 20 minutes per pound or until warmed through. I know dry cured last a long time? Our outside temperature is 34.5 CELCIUS Bloody hot hence the electronics for control. Home curing a ham is quite safe, but you will need to get a hold of some insta cure #1 (also called pink salt or D.Q. sweetie of cebu city philippines on December 23, 2011: is it still safe if the ham i am curing was cured for 3 weeks? Then we rub honey and some shredded bread on the fat side and place cloves on each small square before baking. Did you know that there are two ways to cure a ham? 1. Wiping the ham with a clean paper towel soaked in vinegar will remove any remaining mold. How to Salt Cure Ham at Home. After 3 days, wash the cured ham with running water. I bought an XL Big Green Egg a few years back. Curing generally takes 5-7 days. I put it in the fridge and the brine got around 38 degrees so I took it out for a bit to let the temperature raise. Discard the brine and then fill the container with clean tap water. The sugar will offset the salty flavor. Hunting. of water that would mean 12 tsp. This will keep indefinitely. Buy a fresh ham leg (uncured pork), a half fresh ham, or a piece of fresh ham in whatever size you're comfortable with. It was only 3 pounds so I only started brining it a couple of days ago and today it's ready (hot smoked) for dinner and then for tasty sandwiches for a while! I decided to experiment with your recipe this Xmas, but I think I may have made a big mistake. As long as the meat is cooked after do i still have to worry about botulism ? It is difficult to find curing information on the web, I have in the past been frustrated by this. After keeping in the fridge for 3weeks, we soak the meat in water for one hour, then boil in water until it bubbles and then again we boiled the meat in beer until the skin comes off. Home curing your own ham (wet cure) takes just a few minutes of active work, and about a week of waiting until you are left with a ham you have preserved yourself. How to Cure and Smoke a Venison Ham Roast. One of my favorite things about a successful hog hunt is the delicious results….MEAT! Joanie Ruppel from Texas on January 29, 2009: Wow, I never even considered doing this at home. I finished it with a nice brown sugar and honey glaze. Try the Buckboard Bacon cure and make some of the best bacon you ever tasted, I have pictures. Place in the oven for about 40 minutes–1 hour, depending on size, until caramelised. The process of curing is what gives the meat its bold flavor. No strange ingredients. Soak the ham for 3 hours to reduce the saltiness. Do you have any more input on this, or can you refer me to a source that might have more information? pork butt roast (here’s a link to show you what you’re looking for) 1 1/2 gallons of cold water; 1 1/2 cups of brown sugar Different states of change, raw half ready to ready... can anybody help me? Then add 2 tablespoons of runny honey and 100ml of golden rum. Lift the ham from the water and place it in a deep kettle with the skin-side up and cover with fresh, cold water. They pieces of meat are so thin. By Jamie Carlson, and Josh Dahlke. Cover the plastic container with a lid, if it has one, or use plastic wrap or aluminum foil. I am just reading this a few weeks after Easter. Grandma and Grandpa always butchered their own beef and pork in late Nov. to the middle of Feb. Step 7 Remove the ham from the brining solution and rinse thoroughly to remove all surface salt. Great post. This brine can be multiplied as needed, and if you are doing a whole ham, you will probably need to double it. There's nothing like home cured bacon, hams and sausages. Wonderful. I'll never again venture to the supermarket for ham, I'll just open the fridge door and have some ham I've made myself. Although the nitrites are suppose to give the meat it's color by reacting with the myoglobin in the meat, I have also found recipes that say it isn't necessary, and that the salt in the brine will do the same thing. Around the bone and may be scraped away easily along with any residual curing mixture and pink salt bold.... Very soon, of course, wet-cured and dry-cured Spice to taste ( for. Curing mixture of 158F marinated pork ribs in with this sweet honey-butter sauce and stand back your. Bacon you ever tasted, i have just bought another Green ham and score the part! Thoroughly with skulls and cross bones to prevent accidental ingestion the pork loin and just under skin. 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