romans 8:6 sermon

A Spirit of "love," He is grieved at the indulgence of envious and malignant passions. WHENCE HAVE WE IT?1. He meditates on them not as matters of mere speculation, but as the means of holiness and of eternal life. Now, the Scriptures are very far from countenancing neglect of the body; they exalt it as the instrument of Christian service, the temple of God. *These truths pertain to how we evaluate ourselves. This is a point that will generally be con. That death is the cessation of activities which befalls the living body, is a natural, but cannot even we see it is a partial way of viewing it? What is meant by these expressions? If they love His law, His gospel, His government, His Church, or even the humblest individual in His household, there is no one of these affections of which angels would be ashamed.3. Not that lawful occupation is incompatible, but there is in the world much that has tendency to sensualise the mind; and the further we remove from the sphere of its attraction, the better for the cultivation of this grace.4. Secondly, it is death also spiritually, which is somewhat further here intended. The covenant that binds him to his Lord is an everlasting covenant, well ordered in all things and sure. Still, in every good man, conscience is more or less honoured and cultivated, while in the opposite character it is hated and neglected as Heaven's unwelcome sentinel.4. As, first of all, take it in the mind and understanding, which is the higher part of the soul, that which should rule all the rest. There is no life, unless you live by the faith of the Son of God. WHAT IT IS. When we put our hand to a thing we handle it, the eye, to eye it, the affections, to affect it. And how is such death wrought by the "mind of the flesh"? A Spirit of "supplication," He is grieved when we grow remiss in the exercises of devotion. What is death? Grace it is of a calming and composing nature, it puts all things into a state of quietness. A. 2. II. Seclusion from the world. First, that this carnal mind perverts the greatest human excellences and perfections which are considerable in any; the wits, and parts, and understandings, and such things as these. Spiritual emotions, be they painful or be they joyous, can come only from a spiritual mind. First, it is in sort and in a certain sense temporal or natural death. There is opened before the believer a vast resource of comfort. What is meant by these expressions? "Be not over much wicked; why should'st thou die before thy time?" )Spiritual mindednessG. He is permitted through rich grace to cast an eye forward toward heaven as his everlasting home.6. That in many cases this appears to be true there is no doubt; but there can be as little doubt that the failure is chargeable, not to religion, but to its absence.5. These are the things it "minds," and the body is the servant which aids it in doing so. He is "carnal," if he gives the first and largest place in his heart to the things of the world; he is "spiritual," if he gives that preeminence to the exercises of faith.3. (5)A penitential conviction of guilt. That which is best of us, it is by nature tainted in us. In the embarrassments of moral choice, in the oppositions of conflicting duties, we look to have the mind of the Spirit.3. But life it is, and must be. To be spiritually-minded, then, is to have a sense, a conviction, and inward knowledge of the reality, solidity, and permanent security of spiritual things. It yields pure and permanent enjoyment when all other sources fail, and in every variety and change of circumstance, and is productive of perfect felicity in heaven.3. )The spiritual mindD. Life presents itself to us in a series of activities, governed by purpose; and, in the case of conscious life, it exhibits the delightful forms of intelligence and feeling. The second is the end of the spiritual, which is expressed in two terms to us, in life and in peace. These things may adorn the worldly-minded professor, as fragrant flowers adorn the lifeless corpse. In the centering of its best affections in a personal Saviour, as the medium through which the soul orders all its intercourse with the heavenly world.IV. "To be spiritually minded," according to "the wise men after the flesh," is to be mad; according to the votaries of sensual pleasure, is to be melancholy; according to the Word of God, "life and peace." If we take it specifically and restrictively, so it does point out that blessing which is properly and peculiarly so-called, and that in all the several kinds and distributions of it. And thus, indeed, do I rather take it here in this place, the blessing of peace, as it is called, and which God hath promised to bestow on His people (Psalm 29:11; Psalm 119:165; Proverbs 3:17; Romans 2:10; Galatians 6:16), etc. Oh, what a suicide is here! Do I subject myself to God’s Word? We read of those who are alienated from the life of God, and to this it is that they find readmittance. Life, then, as we generally see it, is bright, beautiful, and attractive. A man may be honest in his worldly affairs, blameless in every earthly relation, without being truly spiritual; for, besides the earthly and human relations in which we stand, we sustain relations heavenly and Divine. A. But the way we look at both death and life is partial and illusive. Making subservient thereto things which are not spiritual — pressing into a sanctified service every turn in the lot of life. They say, “I believe that as long as a person is sincere and does his best, he will go to heaven.” And they even think that God’s mercy through the cross is offensive, because it implies that they cannot save themselves by their own good works (Charles Simeon, Expository Outlines of the Whole Bible [Zondervan], XV:203, suggests the thoughts I developed in this paragraph.) IN WHAT FORMS DOES IT MANIFEST ITSELF?1. All those tendencies which the apostle includes under the name of the "carnal mind," must be brought into subjection. But the spiritual mind, while opposed to what is carnal, completing what is moral, has of course a position and intrinsic quality of its own, which we must go beyond all terms of negation and comparison to set forth. But the way we look at both death and life is partial and illusive. A soul which finds its aims and expends its energies in catering for the needs and pleasures of its bodily instrument, is virtually dead. A Spirit of "supplication," He is grieved when we grow remiss in the exercises of devotion. The unbelieving mind is spiritually dead and hostile toward God. Illustration: When six yo… As an excitement to joy.(G. Barrel. WHAT IT IS. 1:30; Jonah 2:9). And what is the dread goal to which the activity of sin must lead? Dependence on the Spirit of God.2. Moore, M. A.I. While a man is in this state, he is dead to all the objects and interests of the spiritual world. Once more, "to be spiritually-minded," while standing in opposition to what is "carnal," and completing what is "moral," is also the significance of what is "formal." To be spiritually-minded, then, is to have a sense, a conviction, and inward knowledge of the reality, solidity, and permanent security of spiritual things. A. "To be carnally-minded is death." The life of carnal-minded men is one of miserable unrest, which comes of their doing violence to a law of their being. The answers take us far out of our depth. THE BEST MEANS OF ATTAINING IT.1. This is corrupted, and so tending to death (thus Romans 1:22, and Ephesians 4:8). The resigned and submissive will, walking confidently after Divine guidance. Piety cultivates a better conscience than can be found in the carnally-minded. It is that which does deserve death. Two brief applications: *These truths have important implications for how we share the gospel. A. The soul's occupying itself mainly with aims and efforts belonging to its higher nature. Secondly, here may likewise be warned and admonished occasionally from this present truth, all such persons as content themselves in a mere abstaining from grosser sins and the outward acts of the flesh. Is there any reason why things so different should be called by the same name? 1. ITS FRUITS AND EXPERIENCES. By the reciprocal hostility between sin and God, which must work an utter mutual exclusion. The third and last notion of life which is here signified, and that indeed which is mainly intended, is that it is life eternal. IN WHAT FORMS DOES IT MANIFEST ITSELF?1. First, spiritual-mindedness is life. As for this latter, they have no share in peace as belonging unto them (Isaiah 57:20, 21). Secondly, objectively. Once more, "to be spiritually-minded," while standing in opposition to what is "carnal," and completing what is "moral," is also the significance of what is "formal." )Death and lifeT. The second is peace, which may be taken either in the generical notion or in the specifical. Carefully avoid everything which is opposed to spirituality of mind.2. Life? Secondly, as there is corruption in the understanding, so likewise in the will and affections. First, that this carnal mind perverts the greatest human excellences and perfections which are considerable in any; the wits, and parts, and understandings, and such things as these. Again, while the spiritual is opposed to the carnal mind, we learn from other passages of Scripture it is more than what we commonly signify by morality. And how is it wrought by the "mind of the spirit"? Seclusion from the world. Also, unbelievers often think that a holy God is too strict and foreboding. The aspect in which it presents itself to us is dark and repellent. To be spiritually minded is life. Each of these is such as is consequent to spiritual-mindedness in those who are the subjects of it. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Hamartiology (Sin), Soteriology (Salvation), Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. A man that has these without grace, he is but a dead man for all that. The favour of God is life to us. Abstraction of the mind from the world.3. This is corrupted, and so tending to death (thus Romans 1:22, and Ephesians 4:8). The cultivation of such tempers as are most congruous with His revealed character, and calculated to invite His gracious presence in our souls. 1. The observance of stated seasons of religious retirement. "To be spiritually minded is life and peace." The New Testament gives many specific commands about how we are to live as believers in Christ. ITS FRUITS AND EXPERIENCES. In the first place, the passage informs us that "to be spiritually-minded" is opposed to being "carnally-minded." Contemplate the Word of God in the exercise of faith.3. If He is not the immediate object of the affections of His people, still they have a noble object. A Spirit of "supplication," He is grieved when we grow remiss in the exercises of devotion. "Life and peace." Of "the beauty of holiness" he has no knowledge. So, then, on these two grounds, "the mind of the flesh is death." 1. The whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. "Life and peace." For what we deplore when our friends die is not chiefly the disappearance and decay of their bodies, but the withdrawal of that mind and heart from our society of which the body was but the instrument.2. Now, the Scriptures are very far from countenancing neglect of the body; they exalt it as the instrument of Christian service, the temple of God. There is no small object in God's kingdom. M. Herbert, M. The mind which the Holy Spirit infuses into the regenerate, and which desires and pursues after spiritual things. But if you think of them devoutly, your thoughts will be accompanied with such feelings as correspond with their character and importance. As an excitement to joy.(G. THE LIFE AND PEACE WITH WHICH SPIRITUAL MINDEDNESS IS CONNECTED.1. This life is —(1) Real. This first of all teaches us how impotent and unable anyone is by nature to his own conversion, while we are depraved in every part of us. This spiritual-mindedness is life in sundry regards. In the first place, the passage informs us that "to be spiritually-minded" is opposed to being "carnally-minded." It is the opposite of love. Secondly, the nature of grace itself, and the manner of the working of it; for it composes the passions of the mind, and scatters the distempers of it; and from thence occasions peace unto it. Spiritual-mindedness is spiritual life so also. They are cut off from the pleasures of sense, while their hopes of glory and their enjoyment of God are too inoperative to render them happy. The lowest degree of life is vegetable life; the next is animal; the next is intellectual. Christian converse. It recognises its duties to others and to God, and its endeavours are made to discharge these though at cost of self-denial to the body. But the spiritual mind changes constraint into cheerfulness, and duty into happiness, and the restless activity of a self-devised and legal worship into the calm repose of a commanded and accepted sacrifice.4. Such people may believe in God and be very religious, but they live to please themselves. If we take it generically and comprehensively, so it does imply in it all kind of happiness at large, it being usual with the Hebrews to express all kinds of good whatsoever under this name, so as when they wished to any persons peace, they did under that expression pray for their absolute welfare and success. A. First, it is so originally, and as the first occasion of this death. Attendance on the means of grace. Forasmuch as the matter of it, it is conversant about things of that nature, as grace, and conversion, and regeneration, and such things as these. Secondly, we see here also God's goodness in His powerful and victorious grace, in that He suffers corruption to break out no further sometimes than it does, if not by wholly removing it, yet at least by restraining it. 24) the affections and lusts they are both joined together, as who should say lustful affections. For, having the Spirit, we have in ourselves an agency for helping our infirmities. The favour of God is life to us. To set home this further upon us, let us take in these considerations with us. This first of all teaches us how impotent and unable anyone is by nature to his own conversion, while we are depraved in every part of us. (4) Peace in affliction; for "in the world ye shall have tribulation, but in Me ye shall have peace. THE PEACE OF THOSE WHO ARE SPIRITUALLY MINDED. That death is the cessation of activities which befalls the living body, is a natural, but cannot even we see it is a partial way of viewing it? But the spiritual man in the midst of a conflicting, shifting, uncertain, and unstable world, rests in the Lord.2. And why? believest thou only in what comes to thee through these five windows of the senses, so advantageously placed to let in the notices of material things; or wilt thou credit that thy Maker also fashioned thy heart to yield for the entrance of Himself and retinue of attending spirits? (2) Is of the highest and noblest character. In the centering of its best affections in a personal Saviour, as the medium through which the soul orders all its intercourse with the heavenly world.IV. The cultivation of such tempers as are most congruous with His revealed character, and calculated to invite His gracious presence in our souls. "The spirit thirsts for life in God, which is its element, and sacrifices everything to succeed in enjoying it perfectly" (Godet). In the increasing prevalence of religious thoughts and affections. It is that which does deserve death. Ground of all has its `` mind of the Spirit is life and.... Obeys the dominant interest of the essential nature of life experienced, and His! Flying colors given all people the ability to choose salvation springs which these! `` holiness, '' go together occasion of this death., dissolution. Mind by the Spirit do submit to Him on death and the functions of life we are accustomed to.. 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