bulking and cutting reddit

I made some guesses and did the math, and, assuming you start and finish in the same BF%, the distribution I got was a constant one (which means, no cutting-bulking cycles). A weight loss plan to burn fat and get shredded while ideally maintaining muscle mass. Follow a good routine with lots of volume like PHAT throughout. Once you feel you're big enough, use science to make the cutting process as efficient as possible. To some, this will look like eating whatever you want and as much as you want to gain weight as fast as possible. This is where the old bulk-and-cut routine fails you. To help themselves grow, most bodybuilders will perform a bulking and cutting cycle. You should stop worrying about efficiency and timelines and start worrying about working a progressive overload program nice and hard, with great consistency, for an extended period. So I've searched Reddit and the internet looking for answers to this question and I'm finding a lot of answers that either conflict with each other or don't answer the question at all. Your training and diet should reflect your goals. Studies show that SARMs are effective if you wish to gain lean muscle mass. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Bulking in this scenario would mean you were always in a surplus, whereas maintaining, some days will be slight deficit and some a slight surplus. And for more bulking tips, check out a few of my favorite muscle-building posts: When to start bulking (season and body fat percentage) What to do if you’re bulking but not getting stronger; The best and most convenient bulking snacks; Why you shouldn’t alternate bulking & cutting days/weeks; Hope this helps, everyone! For someone just starting out with Leangains and intermittent fasting, one of the most common questions asked is the following: Should I . Bulking (eating in a surplus) is the traditional way of gaining muscle mass. Then if you want to slow down, stop using the accelerator and apply the brakes. I agree with this, also depends on level of commitment/ability to put time in and stuff. Besides helping in cutting fat by increasing metabolism, burning calories, and improving basal metabolic rate, SR-9009 is also known for increasing endurance and stamina, bulking (muscular hypertrophy), and reducing inflammation. Reddit; Flipboard; LinkedIn; WhatsApp; Telegram; Messenger; An aesthetic physique requires a blend of well-proportioned muscle mass at a low level of body fat. Here are some pictures from a month ago. I'm flabby right now, especially around my pelvic bone and thighs. You're slim enough, so do a bulk, eating over maintenance (but not so much, you don't want to make a long cut afterwards. Eat at a 250kcal (0.5lb / week) surplus. Share. You can try to do a "lean bulk". But the fact is that you've proven you know how to cut fat. So bulk mode commence and a few weeks before the pool season begins they'll cut hard. Pics of : Good Bulking Programs Reddit. So you know you can do it again later when you need to. The same is true for cutting (Garthe et al., 2011). Bulking and cutting only really makes sense from a bodybuilding perspective. It’s sometimes said that a dirty bulk is better for putting on muscle mass, but you will also gain a lot of fat at the same time (Garthe et al., 2012). The top answer in the reddit thread you said didn't answer the question is the correct answer. Good Bulking Programs Reddit. The actual caloric surplus as a quantity depended and many parameters that vary for each person, but testing some standard parameters for the average bro, it gave out a surplus of >200. I'm looking first for an answer to the question at hand and secondly advice for my current situation, which is not ideal. But as soon as winter hits, you see them gobbling steaks, chicken & potatoes like there is no tomorrow. Each situation is illustrated and allows the reader to see what would happen if they were to use each approach. But the average lifter wants to look good all year long. Edit: Sorry I just saw your progress pics. You’ll learn the details of creating a bulking diet plan in the remaining steps. Pinterest. Honestly, you're just skinny right now. Bulking is a term used to describe a muscle building phase. My only regret is not lean-bulking (250kcal surplus) a little sooner - I waited about three weeks too long, but damn I wish I could have those three weeks back! Granted this would be my approach, there might something else that appeals to you more. Bulking phases usually last 10-14 weeks due to a kind of built-in limiter. RAD140: Bulking or Cutting? The reason this is preferable to eating at maintenance and training, is that it's typically much easier for people to make significant gains in muscle mass and strength when eating at a surplus and gaining weight, followed by a cut to reduce body fat. The result is that they overeat during bulks, gain a lot of fat, and don't gain enough muscle in proportion. Although a compound like LGD 4033 would be better for bulking, you can do a great bulk with Ostarine as well. You do need to eat more overall to increase your body mass. Today I’ll be covering the top SARMs for bulking, cutting, and for bodybuilding in general. That's probably your best bet at this point. This will allow your muscles to grow when properly stimulated by resistance training, and you will both get stronger as well as put on both fat and muscle. Briefly, take two weeks at roughly maintenance calories with at least 150 grams/day of carbohydrate. Before diving in and starting a cycle, it’s important to understand the various anabolics and how they are designed to affect your body. They tend to bulk up to put on muscle and then cut down, usually before a big competition. Bulking is a process and cutting is a separate process. Bulking Workout Reddit. Conversely, the purpose of the cutting phase, or pre-competition phase, is to shed body fat. When cutting, you consume a caloric deficit (maybe 500-700 calorie deficit per day) and again ensure that you're using a tailored macronutrient profile. During a bulking phase you will have more energy because your body is not running at a deficit of calories. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/5icyza/2_suns531lp_tdee_calculator_and_other_items_all/. Pinterest. The answer is you can build muscle and gain fat while preserving the same bf%. That is the most efficient speeding up and braking cycle for me to achieve my end goal of getting to work. 3. The reason this is preferable to eating at maintenance and training, is that it's typically much easier for people to make significant gains in muscle mass and strength when eating at a surplus and gaining weight, followed by a cut to reduce body fat. 0. Your diet should place you in an environment where your food goes toward building muscle, not being stored as fat. The way I've always understood and seen it in practice is people gaining and losing the same 10 lbs. So stop worrying about the most efficient way to "bulk and cut", and focus on the most efficient way to bulk. I've been consistently working out for ten years and I've gotten really serious about my dieting and health in general over the past 6. Which is effectively the top answer in the thread you linked as an example of not answering the question. Simply put, bulking means that your goal is to gain weight through increased muscle mass. you obviously need to bulk and cut. Basically bulking and cutting is like taking two steps forward and one step back. One problem with defining the most efficient bulk and cut cycle or method is that you and I have different Point A and a different Point B. There are two problems with seeking a formula for this. I'm immersed in the fitness field so I always hear and see about cutting and bulking depending on the time of the year. You're going to have different roads, different lengths of roads, different speed limits, and maybe your car has a lower or higher top speed. Darell Vermilya August 29, 2017. Bulking involves eating more calories than you need, in order to put on weight, then building muscle via resistance training. The more muscle growth you can stimulate, the faster you’ll build muscle and the less likely it will be for extra calories to spill over into fat gain. Thus, in this article, we will discuss the recommended SARMs for cutting and bulking and share a list of SARMs vendors. I wrote a full guide on how to eat while bulking, but here are the basics: ... especially when cutting calories because it is less likely you will be consuming adequate protein if you aren’t paying attention. Entering the bulk too soon - people end their cut at 10% instead of reaching 6% which is a much better starting point and just an extra month of cutting. Now, we're not machines that can account for all calories perfectly, and given we would prefer to overeat than undereat not to harm progress, you will inevitably raise your bf%. Bulking and cutting will both help you march closer to your goals. Assuming relative average partitioning (not superior or inferior), a weight gain of approximately one pound per week (of which half should be muscle) and half a pound per week for females (of which half should be muscle), or 4 and 2 pounds/month respectively should roughly maximize muscle gains without excessive fat gain. Most of us have, at some point, wondered why and if you actually need to enter distinct bulking and cutting phases. They're two separate processes. Sure, it’s fun to eat everything in sight, and it can be effective, but there’s a big difference between effective and optimal. Brawny transformations from reddit muscle building supplements reddit bodyweight fitness training crazy bulk review results 2019 is. Cut for the summer so you look aesthetic for beach season, etc. Because the formula that is most efficient takes years not months, especially when the lifter is new. It’s also dirt cheap. It's like asking for the most efficient way to accelerate positively and accelerate negatively in a car. I've seen so many people disagree with "start at 10~12% BF before even thinking of bulking". If this matters to you, I made a post some days ago about solving that exact problem. If you have friends who regularly hit the gym, you must have heard them use the term cut after bulking or cutting. So the most efficient application of those completely separate tools for my end goal are not going to be the same as your end goal. After finishing the mass-gaining phase, a consolidation phase of two weeks (this used to be called a ‘hardening’ phase) where calories are brought back down to maintenance levels (and cardio, if not being done, is brought in) should occur before actively dieting. During the typical bulking period, body fat increases, which leads to a cascade of negative hormonal effects. Cutting involves losing body fat to appear more defined, while bulking is the process of adding weight by building muscle. The current cut took a lot less time than the last , about 2 and half months. It is ultimately the smarter thing to do because life gains>summer 2k17. You decide to bulk, you get too fat, then you cut down back to your original level. TDEE +-250 Calories to maintain, TDEE +500 to +1000 to bulk, TDEE -500 to -1000 to cut. The bulking stage focuses on packing on as much mass as possible. Now you have to decide if you want to focus on continuing to get lean or to start bulking. Then bulk. There are efficient ways to bulk and there are efficient ways to cut. That's what you're asking for, and it doesn't really make sense. For bulking, the best SARM stack would be Ligandrol, YK-11, and MK-677. In this, the first of two blogs, we will focus on the bulking phase of bodybuilding. Continue stimulating muscle tissue with resistance training, and you will lose fat and muscle. To balance this you have to make a cut after some time. Keep massing and cutting phases to 12ish weeks in order to not gain too much fat or lose too much muscle. I shouldn't have added my personal situation to this question. I could say, accelerate from 0-45 in 30 seconds, hold that speed for 5 minutes, then brake at this rate for 10 seconds, take a left, blah blah blah. It will take 2-3 weeks for it to be completely accurate, but start eating in a caloric surplus now. Great for people-With advanced physique or strength goals (ex. 2108. Beans, such as black beans are also a good addition to a bulking diet since they contain both protein and complex carbs. Then after a cut they lose some fat, but don't have any increased muscle mass to show for it. Best 9 sarms reddit threads right now the phat workout layne norton s size high protein frozen meal how to gain muscle without fat . Most people do an Ostarine dosage of 20mg a day when they want to bulk. But if you care about being a little flabby, maybe you bulk for 3 months, cut, then bulk for 3 months, cut, etc. Motivation will be greatly increased when bulking phase occurs as mass will be more noticeable. Sorry brah. The bulking and cutting method exists as it does because it has been tried, tested and proven to be the most efficient way to get results. So yeah, in practice you inevitably have to make cut/bulk cycles. At one pound per week, that’s 16 weeks of gaining. Then march or april of next year start a slow cut (SLOWLY CUT) and marvel at all the gains you;ve made. Uncategorized. It’s bulking season! Email. For the female trainee, at one half-pound per week is nearly a year of training; again that would be broken up into distinct training phases. The right question is: "How can I learn to care for my body and control it's composition and appearance". The way I see it, there are three ways to set your caloric surplus, the difference between them being the amount of fat you gain with the muscle. Thank you. Any leaner than that and hormones and energy tend to suffer. Dirty Bulking, Lean Gaining, and Clean Bulking – Which is best for you. I’ll be showing my results, too. Cutting. Even though you use them as tools together, they're really not as related as you're making them. The best recomposition stack would include RAD 140 and potentially S4, as well. Self-esteem will be greatly increased. small surpluses, don't go above 15% bf. Bulking is a term used to describe a muscle building phase. Athletes have different levels of success when bulking, as shown in the graph below. "How can I get specific results as quickly as possible" is the wrong question. Bodybuilders aim to complete the bulking phase in the off-season. The most efficient way to accelerate negatively is to apply the brake. There is no standardised definition of bulking and cutting. Follow this workout for eight weeks. Women bulking need to be mindful in the bulking phase (assuming of course, that it is the intention is to cut afterwards). The Best Steroid Cycle For Bulking And Cutting. My muscles are popping more, most likely from increased blood flow, maybe they've grown and I have put on fat around my pelvic bone and thighs. Linkedin. That will give you the most efficient bulk and cut cycle. You've done a great job of cutting a lot of fat so far. You'll also have gained more muscle over the summer than you would have had you done a bulk/cut cycle. Bulking does not have to be a burden; in fact it is a welcome gift after a summer of cutting. Let’s go over each bulking and cutting and explain the best dosage for both of them. Once satisfied with your size, then cut away that fat. Well, those are two different processes and you really can't do both at the same time. then his advice sounds a … Deca Durabolin cycle is something to be discussed, also the daily increased rate of bodybuilding supplement intake is making many men go crazy about how to buy Deca Durabolin.. If you see your strength going up you know there's muscle being formed. Remember that not all steroids are sufficient for the best bulking steroids cycle. The full cycle of the two together is a lot more fluid and everchanging than any formula could ever cover. You won't get fat (based on the pictures you posted), at least not for like 6 months. Bulking between 10-15% bf with small surpluses of around 150-250 calories has been standard for a long time. Awards 2. Thanks for the response. If you are into bodybuilding then you probably know how challenging it can be. novice? That’s life. It's the most direct and "cost" effective path from point A to B, right? There will be some fat gain, of course, but, simply, any faster rate of weight gain (I’ve seen folks suggest 2-3 pounds per week) will only increase fat gain without increasing the rate of muscle mass gain. In your shoes I would eat at a low surplus (300 - 400 cals) and try to stay as lean as possible with a very non-aggressive bulk. A sustained period of caloric surplus will allow the athlete to gain more fat-free mass than they could otherwise gain under eucaloric conditions. Whether you’re bulking or cutting, your list of priorities looks like this: Follow a good hypertrophy training program. Note that in all but absolute novices, it is not reasonable to expect significant muscle growth without accompanying fat gain. Twitter. Accepting that it is far from optimal to bulk/cut for this summer is a tough pill to swallow, especially because I've finally started caring about my body after being overweight my entire life and I want to have something to show for the work I've started putting in at the gym and the kitchen. SARMs Stack Suggested for Bulking . Start each workout with an appropriate warm-up. Facebook. So at the end of one bulk and cut cycle, he has actually lost weight, but has increased his relative amount of muscle by lowering his body fat percentage. If my end goal is to get to work, the most efficient way of driving that route will require pressing the accelerator at some points and applying the brakes at others, and maintaining speed at other times. I'm looking to get as aesthetic as possible (my expectations aren't especially high, but I would like to achieve something) for the month of July and right now I'm skinny-fat (more fat than skinny). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Whole thing is worth a read, but here's the final summary of the page: First and foremost, for reasons outlined in my article Initial Body Fat and Body Composition Changes, trainees should not be starting out their muscle gaining phase too fat. In order to bulk effectively you need to take it slow and don't think you have to over eat all of a sudden to gain the muscle weight you want. Use the accelerator to get to the speed you want to go. So if you take a 5'9" male who weighs 165 pounds at 15% body fat, he may bulk to 170 and 17% body fat. Congratulations. Getting into stage shape requires so many sacrifices for so long that it's only normal to allow yourself some culinary pleasures after a show. While it'd be ideal to eat the exact amount you need to gain weight and not add fat, it's unrealistic to think you can get this number exactly every day and still account for daily life activities. Males should be ~10-12% body fat before even considering going on any kind of ‘bulk’ (fatter trainees can usually gain some muscle while losing fat with a basic recomposition plan; this is beyond the scope of this article). The worst thing you can do is bounce back and forth between between bulking and cutting, failing to make respectable strides in any one direction. Bulk during the winter. intermediate? Dirty Bulk. I was skinny fat and I cut down to about where you're at. You’re eating more than you’re burning in a day and therefore creating a caloric surplus. Bulking Diet. Pics of : Bulking Workout Reddit . This is what happens to most. SR9009 also has a few medical benefits, including treating Obesity, Type-II Diabetes, Sarcopenia, and cholesterol-related disorders. This will result in an approximate weight loss/gain of 0.5 kilograms (1.1 pounds) for men, or 0.35 kilograms (0.77 pounds) for women. Bulking. (Unless you are already husky.) But it will prevent you from putting on a lot of extra fat if you're worried about that. But most importantly, eat, sleep and train HARD. Before digging in to the guide on making this decision, there are two meta topics to cover. The main diet difference between cutting and bulking is your carb intake (and reduced calories overall). imo if you can't bench 2 plates and squat 3 there's no point to cutting, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. View Profile View Forum Posts Banned Join Date: Nov 2017 Age: 50 … Cutting season comes to an end, maybe you just finished a bodybuilding show, are giving your body a break from dieting or want to build some muscle and get stronger quickly. Basically bulking and cutting is like taking two steps forward and one step back. 4. When bulking you have the opportunity to eat more food, and worry less about getting too many calories in one meal. The bulking and cutting method exists as it does because it has been tried, tested and proven to be the most efficient way to get results. During this period of time, you’d eat an amount of calories that causes a caloric surplus to exist so that weight gain occurs.. Set up your diet to put you in this gaining phase. When starting bodybuilding, you have two paths both lain ahead of you, start with cutting or bulking. Cut first. If your goal is just to be healthy, then there's no real reason to go through bulk and cut cycles. During this period of time, you’d eat an amount of calories that causes a caloric surplus to exist so that weight gain occurs.. Also, throughout the year, you must have seen them surviving on meals as light like a salad bowl. I used to have 2-3 cups of oatmeal just for breakfast, and sometimes even 1-2 cups before I went to bed. » Cut–bulk phases are typically best kept in the 10–20% body fat range (add 8% for women). 200-600 cal, I'd say). Why women should to be careful with dirty bulking. Steps. Or think of it as a "transition" phase between bulking and cutting, or a "strength" phase. This is the answer I was expecting to get and fearing to get. Where did this come from and why did it turn into such a huge deal? Getting cut and bulking up are bodybuilding terms relating to body composition. Going through different phases of bulking and cutting throughout the year just cuz.....why? I'm going to oversimplify this, but the most efficient way to accelerate positively is to press down the accelerator. Then come July, if you want to shed off a couple pounds, you can lose a couple pounds during the first week or two of the month. Starting With A Cutting Diet. The bulking and cutting strategy is effective because there is a well-established link between muscle hypertrophy and being in a state of positive energy balance. There are two main phases to bodybuilding, the bulking phase, and the cutting phase. The formula allows it. If done properly you will lose proportionately more fat than muscle. The fatter you get, the fatter your body allows you to become. Oatmeal will literally cost you maybe $3/week, so it’s definitely something that you want to incorporate into your bulking diet. You decide to cut, you get too lean, and then you eat your way back to your original level. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Go on a slow bulk until summer. For the life of me I can't understand why people do this. every year, so this has been a big help. So yeah, there are not definitive answers, there never will, but I'd say low caloric dificits/surpluses up to 600 are pretty safe ane optimal. Cutting Diet. Cutting: The Best Methods To Accelerate Gains! My advise is skip this season and target summer 18 as the year to be a shredded sikcunt. A female starting at 130 pounds and 19% body fat could realistically get to 154 pounds (12 pound fat/12 pounds lean) before hitting 24% body fat. Pd: You may say, well if you're eating a caloric surplus it's impossible not to get fatter. Skip this season and point to the next one. You're at a stage in your life where you want to see what type of endurance athlete you can be or how strong you can get. Bulking. I’m sure this thread has been done over the years, but opinions change. When you are undergoing the bulking phase, you decide to gain size as much as possible. Im at a point in my lifting career where im doing things right as far as training goes. Conversely, the purpose of the cutting phase, or pre-competition phase, is to shed body fat. So if by July you wanted to shed a few lbs it wouldn't be that difficult and maybe not even super necessary. Each are equal in their own special way. 2. You will most likely gain some fat when bulking. Follow a legit program that has you either increasing reps or weights from week to week. Bulking and cutting are two very different things that are done mostly by bodybuilders and athletes. Hardcore competitors mainly want to look their best for a certain place and time: on stage. Again, keeping it simple. I started at a cutting level of 1600kcl a day then graduated up to 2120 calories a day. This is an approximation for the number of steps you take each day. So, pick whichever language suits you and then get your head down and do what's required: low-volume strength training while eating at maintenance. 5. Start out lightly with the calories and basically you just want to eat barely enough so that you can up your lifts week after week slightly. Edit2: Actually, according to the formula you should stay as close as you can to your ideal surplus, which I found is around 150-200 for the average, but I wouldn't trust that value so much since I made a lot of assumptions. 2. IMO, you don't need to cut anymore at this point. Then be disappointed they have made little to no physical progress. The best SARMs cutting stack would be RAD 140, Ostarine, and Cardarine, for lean gains and fat shredding. During the bulking phase, the goal is to gain as much muscle as possible. Over all about 9 months of training( excluding the four month break). You’ll want to make sure your protein intake is 2.4g per kg of bodyweight, especially if you’re cutting calories and want to build muscle. Summer is coming up and the body looking back at you isnt what you want to be showing off by the pool. Slow but Steady cut was way more effective for me then the rapid drop in calories. The best SARMs cutting stack would be RAD 140, Ostarine, and Cardarine, for lean gains and fat shredding. » Bulking phases are best capped at 20% because past this point, the risk to health increases and I’d advise not bulking if you estimate yourself to be 16% body fat or above. YoungThor Well-known member. If you ask others, you would most likely be bombarded with so many different answers that will make you fall to the floor and cry like a little girl. Women bulking need to be mindful in the bulking phase (assuming of course, that it is the intention is to cut afterwards). Not everyone can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. And, yes, this means that many will have to diet first before they even consider putting on muscle. Cutting is the opposite. So they're just gaining and losing the same ten pounds every year. If you continue to eat at the same surplus forever, when do you actually cut the fat? The traditional bulking diet does the opposite of this: By always staying in a caloric surplus, your body becomes used to storage. Do the math on your current body fat to get an idea of how many max pounds per month your looking to gain per month. But it won't apply to your route. … Read also: Bulking vs. I don't really know which to do anymore. You'll use the same tools/cycles as me, but you'll need to use them at different intervals to make your route the most efficient it can be. Getting Cut Vs. Bulking Up. First and most importantly, a good mindset to follow is a quote from John Berardi, PhD's article series "Tailor-Made Nutrition" - "To… I didn't make this clear at all, my bad. Combining wide shoulders, big arms, depth through your chest and back, powerful-looking legs, and a narrow waist. The route from your house to your work is different than mine. It is also important to change from a bulking to a cutting diet after 6-8 months because after bulking, seeing how far you have come in this past bulking season is essential. You’ll see there are some slight changes after week four to maintain your progress and avoid stagnation. I have been influenced by the bro science so I lean toward a 500 deficit even if the math tells me otherwise. I'm looking to make some sort of bulk/cut plan for the next 4 months, but I have no clue how much time I should use bulking/cutting. Bulk/Cut: while lifting, eating at periods of surplus to gain weight (muscle and fat) then periods of deficit to lose fat. Which, I’d note should be broken up into at least two separate training blocks. This makes so much sense and is a terrific answer by the way. Secondly, I'm looking for advice for my situation. Dirty Bulking means eating a lot more food than necessary and gaining more fat than muscle in the process. Lift weights, eat a lot, and get big. The bulking and cutting strategy is effective because there is a well-established link between muscle hypertrophy and being in a state of positive energy balance.

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