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Nr. Two Tiger IIs were so seriously damaged by this encounter that they had to go back for depot-level maintenance. Taken in the early 1950s, this rare color photograph purports to shows the original pattern of camouflage as applied to Tiger ‘332’ recovered by US forces back to the Ordnance Museum. But, by this time, Panzer-Kompanie (Funklenk) 316 had been re-designated as 1st Schwere Panzer Abteilung of the Panzer-Lehr (since January 1944). German Tanks of World War II. it is certainly not that long? During the retreat of the German army towards Paris and the river Seine the King Tiger II’s of the 101st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion were at the forefront of the fighting. . Furthermore, it was not the only vehicle designated Panzer VI Ausf.B, as the VK 36.01(H) prototype had also received the same designation. A further 30 vehicles were accepted by the inspectorate in March, prior to capture by Allied forces, bringing the total up to 489 Tiger IIs produced, although the number delivered is lower. Wrecked German Tiger tanks in the rubble of Villers Bocage after the British had captured the town, 5 August 1944. By 15th January 1943, consideration was given to changing the armor protection of the turret from 100 mm curved to 100 mm at 20 deg (this interfered with the hull-roof hatches for the driver and loader), or to 150 mm on the turret front which added 300 kg of weight, or even to 180 mm thick sloped back at 50 deg. Nr. The vehicle's drawbacks included an overloaded suspension and engine-transmission group, as well as excessive general mass. The first contact with the enemy was a disaster. 501, the tank was abandoned on 22nd December 1944 when it was crippled by American fire which damaged the tracks and shot off the muzzle brake. This is not a mistake and not a later replacement but the result of the German ‘first in, last out’ production system where new parts were often used ahead of older parts resulting in many older parts actually being used later than earlier ones. That design did not have a hull-mounted machine gun ball (Kugelblende), as this had not been designed yet, so was to use the same kind of ‘vertical letterbox’ machine gun hole in the glacis as used on the Panther Ausf.D and A tanks at the end of 1943. Seen from behind, the antenna positions on the rear hull roof (rear right and rear-centre) give this Tiger II of s.Pz.Abt. Source: Trojca. Waffen-Arsenal, Friedberg, West Germany The remains of s.SS.Pz.Abt 501 were then merged with SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 to create Kampfgruppe Peiper. In June of 1944, it changed again to 1st Panzer-Lehr and sent to Reims to join Panzer Abteilung 302. The effectiveness of the armoring of the Tiger II becomes clear from a battle from the year 1… Two additional crewmen were stationed in the hull, with the driver sat in the front left, and the radio operator sat in the front right. The last vehicle broke down on 18th August and was abandoned. Seven tanks were engaged in the defense of Arnswalde despite encirclement of the town by the Soviets. The backward Swastika was painted on some time after its abandonment. Armed with the new Tiger IIs, it was attached to the 24th Panzer Division (24.Pz.Div.) 510, though, were only painted in the red-oxide primer with some green curved and improvised green spots. That engine was replaced from vehicle number 251 onwards with the Maybach 12 cylinder (V-12) HL 230 P45 23.88-liter petrol engine capable of delivering up to 700 hp at 3,000 rpm It was also over a meter longer than Tiger I, with the hull measuring some 7.38 m long, and nearly 2 meters longer with the gun included, factors which made maneuvering, particularly in built-up areas or woodland, even harder. Tier 9's treat this tank as a danger, while quite a few Tier X tanks treat it seriously. Enter the Tiger II, or Konigstiger (King Tiger). Osprey Publishing, UK During the finals against Ooarai Girls Academy, 2 Tiger II were fielded, one of wich was commanded by Kuromorimine's vice commander Erika Itsumi. The exact fate of the Tiger IIs issued to the unit is not clear, but it can be assumed that they were all lost in this area during the period between the end of March 1945 through April. Fgst. 501 was a part of, had to move to meet up with Armeegruppe Balck. 501 had been issued Tiger Is in autumn 1942 and had seen a lot of combat with them in North Africa. The vehicle's drawbacks included an overloaded suspension and engine-transmission group, as well as excessive general mass. Two replacement Tiger IIs which still had the Krupp VK45.02(P2) turrets and had been taken from s.Pz.Abt. Another was lost on 24th December attacking the area around Bourscheid and 2 more the following day as a result of Allied air attacks. Winninger, M. (2013) OKH Toy Factory. When ‘buttoned up’ the tank is extremely blind, and this is one of its weakest points” An example of this fault with the Tiger II is apparent in an after-action report from s.Pz.Pbt. Production on the Tiger began in August 1942 in order to rush the new tank to the front. The Tiger II is best used as a sniper (mainly due to its powerful gun); but when needed it can provide direct support for advancing units.When used as a sniper, it is best that you find a position with a good overview of the battlefield. Both were transferred on 11th April to SS Regiment Holzer at the town of Osterode. As well as the Tiger IIs issued out to various units, there were, in the chaotic last months of the Third Reich, various extemporaneous units thrown together. 39 new Tiger IIs were delivered during August 1944, including replacements for the 2 taken by s.Pz.Abt. Taking place on 18th January with attacks on the high ground south of the town of Jeno across a cleared minefield, the attack ground to a halt when the Soviets blew up the bridges. Author Thomas Jentz, the dean of Tiger historians, writes that despite its size, the Tiger II had surprisingly good tactical mobility. Source: Schneider The hydraulically powered traverse was dependent on power from the engine and, depending on the engine speed, the turret could be traversed 360 degrees in between 36 seconds (at 1,000 rpm) to 19 seconds (at 2,000 rpm). The vehicle's drawbacks included an overloaded suspension and engine-transmission group, as well as excessive general mass. A surviving Befehlswagen Tiger II is on display at Patriot Park, Kubinka, near Moscow. AFV Weapons Profile # 48: PzKpfw VI Tiger I and Tiger II (“King Tiger”). Trojca, Katowice. 505 was significantly depleted by combat on the Eastern Front in the summer of 1944 and was moved back to Germany for reorganization. Osprey Publishing, UK Nibelungenwerke was a logical choice to support production, as it was already responsible for Jagdtiger production on the Tiger II chassis, but even so, no actual Tiger II production ever took place at that plant. Divided into three companies of 14 Tiger IIs each (42 Tiger IIs), the remaining 3 Tiger IIs were allocated to battalion headquarters. The radio operator’s station was equipped with two radio sets when assigned to a company headquarters and platoon leader’s vehicle. By the 1980s, the vehicle had been pulverized into scrap and was disposed of. Only the antennae at the back give it away. armor 80 mm thick across the glacis, and the same thickness across the sides and rear. Its first six Tiger IIs were delivered on 26th July, although 2 were immediately poached by s.Pz.Abt. 503 was issued with 45 new Tiger IIs (strength 47 as they still had two Tiger IIs) and were sent to Hungary in October to help disarm Hungarian troops in Budapest. 509 were used instead, destroying 6 Soviet IS-2s and completing the attack to the objective. The Hochleistungsmotor (HL) series of engines from Maybach were their high-performance motors designed specifically for use in tanks (P – ‘Panzermotor’) featuring dry-sump lubricant with impulse magneto (Trockensumpfschmierung mit Schnappermagne – TRM). One of the 8 Tiger IIs operated by s.Pz.Abt. The historian Horst Schiebert puts the number produced at 487. 501. This unit had previously operated the Tiger I and used radio-controlled demolition vehicles. This view of the parade from the other side shows the variety of paint schemes used by the Tiger IIs of s.Pz.Abt. By the end of September 1944, s.Pz.Abt. Likewise, the flare rounds (Leuchtgeschossen R) could be used to summon attention or help. *Note that although the Tiger II at Munster is an earlier production vehicle than the one at the National Armor and Cavalry Museum it bears a later turret. By the end of February 1945, production figures had been revised once more to just 45 that month, followed by 50 in March and April and 60 per month thereafter until September. The last two Tiger II’s of s.Pz.Abt. The Tiger II's engine was a redesigned HL 230, giving it 900 hp instead of 700, in the Henschel version (the top configuration). To accommodate the gun, the turret has been made unusually long in proportion to the total length of the tank. Hauptausschuss Panzerkampfwagen 503 or 509, destroyed in Hungary in 1945. By the end of March 1945, Allied forces had captured Kassel and overrun the Henschel tank works. Aug 22, 2020 - Explore Tom Bammer's board "Tiger II" on Pinterest. Work continued through the start of 1943, with various options considered, including a rotating direct-vision cylinder (Fahrersehklappe – Walze) added to the glacis to allow the driver to see ahead without a periscope. Able to destroy enemy tanks at extreme ranges and impervious to those same tanks made the King Tiger more than a match for any allied tank. That vehicle was later recovered to the USA for testing. The first 5 Tiger IIs arrived on 14th March, all of which were fitted with the Krupp VK45.02(P2) turret. The turrets installed in the Versuchs-Serie retained these 25 mm thick sections but when the other turrets went into use, those 25 mm thick sections were cut out and replaced with 40 mm plates instead. The most heavily armored tank carrying the most powerful anti-tank gun. In August 1944, this tank had fallen into a shell crater and became stuck. The Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger tank was a German heavy tank that served on the Eastern Front, Western Front, and in North Africa during World War II. Nr. to move through the south of Baraska without reconnaissance and across marshy ground. 511) collected 8 Tiger IIs from the Henschel factory under much the same circumstances, for which reason it is believed that its vehicles were also painted in a similar fashion. However, in practice, many crews opted to or were ordered not to carry ammunition in the turret after the dangers of carrying ammunition in the turret were highlighted in August 1944 with the loss of Tiger IIs to ammunition fires in the turret after being hit in the sides. The only tangible difference between the VK45.02(P) (formerly known as VK45.02(P2)) and VK45.03(H) turrets was the use of electrically powered turret traverse on the (P) design with hydraulic traverse on the (H) design. This coincided with the official renaming from Tiger III to Tiger II. That meant just 297 were expected for production in 1945 from Henschel with production to be supported by the Nibelungenwerke factory. 503 conducted an attack with 13 Tiger IIs against the town of Zámoly on 11th January losing two tanks to enemy fire in exchange for claiming to destroy 21 Soviet tanks and assault guns and 28 anti-tank guns. Weapons are extremely situational items. Source: Schneider. That does not mean that this tank can be played as a brawler in high-tier matches. From the front, the massive and imposing shape of the Panzerbefehlswagen Tiger Ausf.B (pictured 13th August 1944) is almost indistinguishable from the standard Tiger II. On 21st June 1941, one day before the start of Operation Barbarossa, Porsche was requested by Wa. It was now able to rotate the turret at 8 d/sec and 12 d/sec at 1,750 and 3,000 engine rpm, respectively. Heavy fighting ensued in this area and Allied forces retook the town from the Germans, followed by the capture of Aachen. Schievert, H. (1989). In December 1944, s.SS.Pz.Abt. Winninger, M. (2013) OKH Toy Factory. It was propelled by twin V12 air-cooled engines linked to an electric generator and electric motors located at the rear with the final drives. Six of the 12 tanks broke down and another was damaged by a collision with another Tiger II in the dark. Source: Panzerwrecks 3 There, they lost a Tiger II to fire from a Soviet IS tank and, in return, accounted for 3 Soviet tanks (2 x T-34 and 1 x IS). During a maintenance period, the maintenance facility there provided it with a single Tiger II which had been made operational, bringing the unit strength to 2 Tiger Is and 1 Tiger II. 280243, Turm Nr. 503 could be seen with additional track links fastened across the middle of the turret and even on the front corners of the hull, in an effort to provide additional protection for the crews. These included the 8-speed Maybach OG 40 16 36 transmission (24th October 1942), a 10-speed electro-magnetic transmission (28th October 1942), and the 7-speed Zahnradfabrik AK 7-200 transmission (26th November 1942). For rail transport these tracks were removed, as were the 8 outermost road wheels on each side. 501 was captured by US forces. Nr. One of these two replacement tanks was lost just a few days later, on 26th August, at Meulan after being hit repeatedly by enemy fire and crippled. There, fighting the lightly armed British paratroopers defending Arnhem, one Tiger II was knocked out southeast of Oosterbeek by two rounds from a British PIAT anti-tank weapon after being damaged by a 6-pounder anti-tank gun, in an otherwise very unequal engagement. By the first weeks of 1945, the Eastern Front had been pushed back to the Carpathian mountain passes in the south and Warsaw on the Vistula River in the center, while in the north, the German army was fighting in East Prussia. For reference, the Tiger I turret armed with the 8.8 cm L/56 weighed in at just 11,000 kg, whereas, as of December 1943, the turret for VK45.03(H) fitted with the 8.8 cm L/71 was a hefty 13,500 kg. The vehicle's drawbacks included an overloaded suspension and engine-transmission group, as well as excessive general mass. The tank's gun proved devastating against any allied tank it faced, however it suffered mechanical problems like the Tiger 1 and Panther tanks and had high fuel consumption. 6 to reduce machining time, although the method of construction, using interlocking plates 80 mm thick, was retained. Combat continued in this sector for s.Pz.Abt. The first batch of turrets, made by Krupp originally for the now-canceled VK45.02(P2) project, did not go to waste and were modified with hydraulic traverse in place of the electrically-powered traverse. Source: Schneider Chamberlain, P., Ellis, C. (1972). Panzer-Kompanie (Funklenk) 316, as part of the Panzer-Lehr Division, since September 1943, had been promised a company of Tiger II by Generalmajor Thomale (Chief of Staff of the Inspector General of the Armoured Forces) on 15th January 1944. Once on the train, the vehicles were loaded with their combat tracks, rather than the narrower transport tracks and this caused a lot of damage to passing trains on their way to Pasewalk. The Germans, on the retreat, were forced to blow up their own tanks which became stuck or otherwise immobilized, and by December they were down to 40 tanks. However, its usefulness was certainly increased by the fact it had a telescopic sight and could thus be accurately aimed. This vehicle was found after the war at the Henschel testing grounds having served as a test vehicle and not having seen any combat. L/71. The hectic events of March, April and May 1945, and the thrown-together nature of this unit make it hard to present a short history of those months, but it is known that the Tiger Is which formed part of this unit continued to fight on until around 1st May 1945, when the last Tiger I was abandoned. This unit had been formed by April 1945 with a nominal strength of 18 Tiger Is and 9 Tiger IIs (including one with the early Krupp VK45.02(P2) turret). 501, it brought the strength back up to 22. ‘Totenkopf’). Reorganised in September 1944 at Paderborn-Sennelager, s.Pz.Abt. Tiger IIs issued to s.Pz.Abt.501 were painted in the standard yellow-olive based coat with green lines and brown spots. One problem with both the Tiger I and II was that they were so big relative to other German tanks, that the only vehicle that could tow a damaged Tiger was another Tiger. Swinging the Sledgehammer: The Combat Effectiveness of German Heavy Tank Battalions in World War II. They were to face repeated Soviet attacks for over a week before a breakout and relief force rescued all of the tanks (although only 4 were operational) on 17th February. Source: Schneider These have often been referred to, incorrectly, as the ‘Porsche’ turrets. Abandoned at Magny en Vexin, the tank was recovered by the British and sent to the UK for testing. With no recovery vehicles available, these had to be blown up. Der Panzer-Kampfwagen Tiger und seine Abarten. The battalion reformed once more at the end of April in the area around Scheibss, Anton, and Neubruck and, in a desperate attempt to get more tanks, forty soldiers were sent to the nearby Nibelungen works to try to get six Jadgtigers operational. Source: defendingarnhem.com The first 4 Tiger IIs for the unit had been received a month earlier, in October 1944, with further deliveries arriving from December 1944 through January 1945. your own Pins on Pinterest Observation was very important and even the hull machine-gunner/ radio operator benefitted from attention to detail, with vehicles made after April 1944 having the protruding edge of the glacis cut away to improve his field of view. Despite the success in that encounter and the destruction of 17 tanks the next day by SS-Hauptsturmführer Birnschein’s Tiger II along with a pair of Panthers, the town of Veszprem had to be abandoned on 22nd March. The top speed for the Tiger Ausf.B. B, Tiger II, King Tiger or Königstiger (the British also referred to it as the ‘Royal Tiger’), 489 Tiger IIs, were produced at … The recovered turret of Tiger II 124 recovered from Fontenay St. Pere and subsequently subject to further damage. By the first week in April 1945, s.SS.Pz.Abt. All of the turrets for the vehicles were the result of work by Krupp as the sole designer, including VK45.02(H), VK45.02(P), and VK45.03(H). The production target from October 1943 through May 1944 called for 191 Tiger IIs to be built, yet just 38 were ready by the end of this period, meaning the two Schwere-Panzerabteilung (Heavy tank regiments) earmarked to receive these vehicles (50 each) in order to be ready for combat in Spring 44 were not available to the army as a resource. For all of its size, the Tiger II simply fails to impress as a tank in a strategic war where numbers and quality trumped what can be thought of as an overweight and unreliable Panther consuming an undue amount of an ever-dwindling stockpile of resources. 503 for the benefit of Nazi propaganda. The vehicle's drawbacks included an overloaded suspension and engine-transmission group, as well as excessive general mass. One Tiger II, with the Krupp VK45.02(P2) turret, meaning it was one of the first 50 built, was recovered in Gien, South of Paris, in August 1947. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/fontenay-saint-pere_78246/fontenay-saint-pere-extraction-char-projet-point-mort_15888574.html, Anderson, T. (2013). When engaging enemy vehicles at long range, the Tiger II had an upper hand over any other vehicle in terms of the gun and armor protection. This photo, presumably taken very shortly afterward judging by the civilian attire of the man posing and that it still has the hull machine gun fitted, is painted in what is assumed to be the factory yellow base-coat with green patches and spots. Encyclopedia Magazine issues for 25 % off, Munster, Germany to the 3rd.. Forces not trapped in Arnswalde counterattacked in Operation ‘ Sonnenwende ’ ( Operation Solstice ) on 10th April.... Using the Krupp VK45.02 ( P2 ) was to use the Maybach HL 230 P30! 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