role of information technology in mobile computing

When employees are in charge of their own devices, they will most likely take better care of them and the devices will be a device that they prefer to work with. Whereas apps are useful, they also present new forms of privacy risk associated with users' personal and location data. Miniaturization started to happen in the early 1990s. The ability to use technology in remote or mobile (non static) environments. Mobile technology has changed how people live, work and play, and it has the potential to eventually replace traditional computers. Remote access software helps workers to stay in contact from anywhere with an internet connection. There are large companies who are trying to effectively solve this problem. With enough network bandwidth and powerful hardware, this type of virtualized environment can combine acceptable performance with high-levels of security." Google’s Glass—a computer built into an eyeglass device—extends the scope of mobile computing even farther (Loukides, 2013). Smartphones are lighter than tablets and most have the same features, but smartphones have a smaller screen and you can make calls. A user can work without being in a fixed position. Google chose 8,000 people to test this product by holding a #ifihadglass contest. In- and outdoor positioning techniques (GPS) for mobile devices, as location-based services are seen to be one of the key emerging application areas in mobile computing; Location privacy in mobile computing applications; Mobile agents, i.e., software programs that can migrate between different hosts. Mobile technology has changed how people live, work and play, and it has the potential to eventually replace traditional computers. Before one understands nanotechnology, one must know what a nanometer is. The Mobile Value Chain. Egan goes so far as to say that mobile innovation is the very DNA of today's digital business. A software that can help with security is a software called Virtual Hosted Desktop (VHD). The transformative effect of mobile has been made possible by an enormous investment from a myriad of players within the digital space: innovators for the core communications technologies, component designers and manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), infrastructure suppliers, mobile network operators, content providers, mobile … has thousands of great essay examples for students to use as inspiration when writing their own essays. ally of SMEs in the context of organizational competitiveness in a world where the role of information systems for a long time proved decisive, it is a reflection that the SMEs, whose core business is not technology, need to be carried out. There is also a controversy regarding BYOD. Businesses can also use remote computing software as a service, SaaS. Samuel D. Warren and Louis Brandeis wrote theirarticle on privacy in the Harvard Law Review (Warren & Brandeis1890) partly in protest against the intrusive activities of thejournalists of those days. There are many planned devices that will change how we view mobile computing. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), is a growing trend in business, benefits and challenges of implementing a BYOD policy will be discussed in detail. These methods are used in collecting, storing, scrutinizing, and providing access to intelligent information about enterprise data in order to identify significant styles or designs that the assist decision-making process. In a study produced by Price Waterhouse Cooper it mentions that employee satisfaction and productivity have been two of the greatest advantages to implementing a BYOD policy. (Intel/ReadWrite, 2013) These numbers are really quite promising when looking at the future of BYOD. Business intelligence would be ideal for Google, because it largely deals with capturing and evaluating various features of an enterprise, its clients and competitors. This has enabled users to work from anywhere as long as there is a connection established. It will only be easier for people with mobile devices to be connected to the internet. Employees will continue to stay connected and still receive real time updates from the business via connection to business network. The latest version is Android 5.0 Lollipop, and it comes with several new features. Tablets are easy to use and extremely light. It wasn’t a computer for the general public, "It was primarily sold to the U.S. government and was, amongst others, used by NASA on Space Shuttle missions during the early 1980s, and in combat" (Kjeldskov, 2013). For example, not charging new businesses a fee for faster Internet for up to five years. Businesses can use mobile computing to help customers solve technical issues, another great benefit. In fact, within a matter of one week, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal joined Bloomberg in sharing stories and information about Apple’s rumored product. Mobile Computing - Brief Evolution - In today's computing world, different technologies have emerged. One is able to watch news, movies, and documentaries among other entertainment offers over the internet. B.Tech. Learn more in: Context as a Necessity in Mobile Applications Mobile computing technology enables the mobile worker to create, access, process, store and communicate information without being constrained to a single location. [ad_1] Employing mobile computing technology for business operations can bring compelling benefits to any organization. A mobile website is "a website designed for the small screens of mobile phones and tablets." Banking activities on mobile devices have become increasingly popular with over 50% of mobile users performing banking activities on their mobile devices. By the year 2020, the use of mobile computing in health care will extend average life spans by 20 to 25 years. They are portability, miniaturization, connectivity, convergence, divergence, and apps. This implies that most people prefer to use the mobile browser that comes preinstalled on their mobile devices. It is a headset that has a small display device in front of the right eye. Mobile most commonly refers to access in motion and is therefore unrestricted to a given geographic location. (2013 best remote, 2013) Remote Access computing is simple. Mobile computing is human–computer interaction in which a computer is expected to be transported during normal usage, which allows for the transmission of data, voice, and video. He described a ubiquitous computing environment that enhances the environment by making many computers available throughout the physical realm, while making them effectively invisible to the user. The creator of the PalmPilot, Jeff Hawkins, later explained how he carried blocks of wood with him in different sizes and shapes until he had reached the perfect physical form for the device (Bergman & Haitani, 2000). In an article done by Intel they list some of the main challenges involving security. Mobile Security: Just like a computer, it is extremely important to protect mobile devices from threats or viruses. Mobile technology is technology that goes where the user goes. However, it is a commonly known fact that Apple is working on such a product. Due to the portability and smaller sizes of mobile devices, they are more at risk of being misplaced or stolen. The market is demanding better connectivity between patients and their care providers — here's how mobile technology is already changing the healthcare industry. These systems must work properly, be secure, and upgraded, maintained, and replaced as appropriate. Tablets also have the feature of being able to use a stylus, which enables you to write text like a pen, when taking notes. • Mobile voice communication is widely established throughout the world and has had a very rapid increase in the number of subscribers to the various cellular networks over the last few years. "Nevertheless, mobile phone design in the 1990’s had a fundamental and lasting impact on the future of mobile computing to come" (Kjeldskov, 2013). Educating employees will help lower risk of security concerns. Smartphones are increasingly penetrating business and consumer markets, and mobile applications (apps) have engendered a large and innovative market. 1. The convenience of having the internet on the fly seems to outweigh the inconsistent issues that users experience with the mobile web. Cloud computing is expected to grow from $67B in 2015 to $162B in 2020 securing … technology occur, mobile cloud computing is able to overcome the issue of resource poverty that occurs in mobile devices. This means Apple people will use Apple run mobile devices. He asserted that there could be operating machines that were built in terms of molecules. Physical Protection: Individuals must keep mobile devices with them at all times or store them in a secure location when not in use. With over 301 families and variants of mobile threats, 79% are designed to affect Android OS. (PWC, 2012) Employees want to use devices that they already are accustomed to using. These applications generally use data collected from a data mart or a data warehouse. The nodes belonging to a mobile computing system are connected with one another to communicate and collaborate through active transactions of data. Hardware refers to Video and audio recordings can now be streamed on-the-go using mobile computing. Versatile distributed computing permits getting to information from anyplace on the planet. Weiser pointed out that anthropological studies of work life showed that people primarily work in a world of shared situations a… The proponents of net neutrality argue that Internet service providers should not slow down or prevent access to any competing low-cost services such as Citrix Go-To-Meeting and Skype. The Business intelligence applications typically used in an enterprise are online analytical processing (OLAP), database querying and reporting, and data mining. • Mobile Computing : A technology that allows transmission of data, via a computer, without having to be connected to a fixed physical link. Therefore its future remain uncertain thats a good reason to make mobile computing an area of intreats of information technology and an emerging issue in IT. Seventy-four percent of IT leaders believe ‘BYOD can help our employees be more productive.’ Forty-nine percent of US IT managers strongly agree that BYOD improves worker productivity." Mobile computing is a generic term that refers to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from wherever they are. It is essential to protect the data on mobile devices from software and physical threats. In 1981 Bill Moggridge designed the world’s first laptop computer, the GRiD Compass 1101. Over the right temple is a touch-pad. ©2020 Essay Sauce / Terms of use / Content policy / Privacy policy. [R Baeza-Yates; U Montanari; N Santoro;] -- Foundations of Information Technology in the Era of Network and Mobile … They can even send viruses and other bugs to your system to create havoc." The multimedia phones were being criticized saying that it was "…clumsy technology with a wide range of functions…" (Kjeldskov, 2013). By extending the reach of an organization's fixed information system, mobile computing enables interaction with organizational personnel that were previously disconnected. Charalambous Tower Introduction: Wireless devices. Most people disregarded his claims. By the definition of Wikipedia” mobile computing is a form of human computer interaction, while the computer is expected to be transported during normal usage”. If the customer just wants the problem fixed, they have no obligation to be present at their computer while the technical support worker is fixing the issue. Some examples of information or data that a mobile device may contain or have access to would be pictures, videos, addresses, phone numbers, bank accounts, credit cards, etc. Venkatraman, S. (2005) ‘Mobile computing models ... Nilsson et al., 2011; Venkatraman and Yoong, 2009) have presented the role of emerging mobile technology … Google is certainly doing its part by joining the internet provider race. When an employee who is accustomed to using a Windows operating system on their mobile device is expected to use a Mac operating system, it is difficult. ...(download the rest of the essay above). Google recently started its "Google Fiber" service in Kansas City. Currently, mobile technology is typified by internet-enabled devices like smartphones, tablets and … Download the full version above. Just like a desktop computer, measures should be taken to prevent attacks from such software threats to ensure the safety of data and other sensitive information. As reinforcement to the shift towards mobile, 50% of the average global mobile web user use their mobile device as either their primary of exclusive means of accessing the internet. Personal Digital Assistants, PDAs, were the new big thing. The answer is simple. According to, remote access computing is defined as, "the ability to access a computer, such as a home computer or an office network computer, from a remote location." Mobile computing is always used in business, the days of paper are rapidly disappearing. The mobile communication device strategies have moved well beyond the pagers and smartphones; and now include wireless networks, iPhones, cell phones, iPads, laptops, tablets, and medical sensors that all communicate instantaneous and continuous information. Password Protection: Access to the mobile device must be protected by the use of a password. This article aims to inform you of the role of cloud computing in IoT and why IoT and cloud computing are inseparable. Being an ever growing and emerging technology, mobile computing will continue to be a core service in computing and Information Communication and Technology. Within a few years, the world will be increasingly more connected. Apple has also filed for multiple patents. Maintaining a secure network has to be the number one priority for any business that wants to be successful. Cyprus, Copyright © 2020 | Powered by Brandconn Digital. Web browsers, as well as every other smartphone application, are designed for small screens and slower processing speeds compared to desktop and laptop computers." Business’ went into the app business to help their consumers purchase their products with ease. Currently, mobile technology is typified by internet-enabled devices like smartphones, tablets and … Information Technology (IT) has become ubiquitous and is changing every aspect of how people live their lives. Please note that the above text is only a preview of this essay. However, John Ellenby, founder of GRiD Systems, and others thought that "the customers with the most money and the most demanding need" (Moggridge, 2007) would benefit more from portable computer. Recent advances in our ability to communicate and process information in digital form— a series of developments sometimes described as an “IT revolution”—are reshaping the economies and societies of many countries around the world. The second part of convergence is what started giving people the mobile devices we know now. Flexibility: To effectively execute a digital transformation strategy a company will need to pivot its … From your device you are connecting remotely with, you login online on the software’s website and download the software on the remote device, and you are connected! We’ll go back to the article produced by Intel, to discuss in more detail how to maintain a secure network. Smaller and faster mobile devices are the future of mobile computing in business. To what extent is the narration in Lolita more concerned with the aesthetics of writing rather than plot? Replacing a roundabout with a signalized intersection using VISSIM. Apple, the technological giant, has not officially announced the iWatch. A mobile browser is "a web browser designed for the small screens of mobile phones and tablets. Currently, there is a beta-testing process going on. Bloomberg was not alone in breaking the story. Internet service providers see the need for businesses to fund their infrastructure expansions by charging a higher fee for Internet speed. Highlight history, and how mobile computing is implemented in business. (PR Newswire, 2013) The following topics will be focused on: (1) mobile web browsers; (2) mobile specific websites; (3) advantages of the mobile web; and (4) disadvantages of the mobile web. Laptops can be used for working on larger software systems and larger files. There will be less competition for existing businesses and less innovation for net businesses. The government organization for nanotechnology defines nanotechnology as the following: "Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at the nanoscale, at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications." Mobile most commonly refers to access in motion and is therefore unrestricted to a given geographic location. A research recently conducted at the University of KwaZulu-Natal revealed that 92% of students say that it is easier to use their mobile device to improve their access to information. When a mobile website is designed well, the simple design serves the purpose of increasing usability by providing faster load times and only presenting the most essential information. How does this apply to mobile computing? In an industry that automates things for the benefit of humankind, IT helps to make the manufacturing process less cumbersome and more automated. However Kjeldskov’s (2013) opinion on the matter is that mobile devices should be praised for the "creation of something new and (a) hybrid that facilitates use that wasn’t possible before, like for example taking pictures and sharing them immediately with your friends, browsing the Internet on your phone, or purchasing music directly on your iPod". ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES BASED ON THEIR SHAPES, A Clockwork Orange (Burgess) and The Butcher Boy (McCabe), Impact of racial stereotypes/racism on, self-esteem amongst African-American students regarding standardized testing. When released, the watch will enter a market that already has functioning "smart watches" by Nike and Sony. Compared to the previous model the Surface Pro 2 that supports Intel i5 processor and 4GB of RAM. Most of these were very important steps into what we now consider mobile computing. [ad_1] Employing mobile computing technology for business operations can bring compelling benefits to any organization. The trend of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is on the rise owing to increased employee satisfaction. The iPhone is now integrated with Facebook for information sharing. In this research paper, we will highlight the history, implementation into business, web and security, and future of mobile computing. The website is funded by adverts which cover the cost of our hosting and domain renewal. It's easy to access a wide variety of movies, educational and informative material. About the Course The course aims to provide students with an understanding of mobile technologies and how these technologies are utilized and integrated to meet specific business needs. Thus, every aspect of our lives is also being impacted by these advances in technology, including how we … The third wave was connectivity. In the 1970’s and 80’s, a man named Dr. K Eric Drexler "popularized the word ‘nanotechnology’" (CRN, 2002). Depending on your preference you choose which devices you use. How does information communication technology enhanced development in a given nation. • Mobile Computing : A technology that allows transmission of data, via a computer, without having to be connected to a fixed physical link. Venkatraman, S. (2005) ‘Mobile computing models ... Nilsson et al., 2011; Venkatraman and Yoong, 2009) have presented the role of emerging mobile technology on … According to a 2015 report by Referral Md, 52 percent of smartphone users gather health-related information on their phones. He was specifically designing a portable computer for children. (Nielsen, 2011) It has been found beneficial for companies and businesses to have a well working mobile website, due to many customers wanting to shop online via mobile device. In an article, Nigam Arora (2013) notes that "The fact that more details than usual have appeared in American media indicates the likelihood that Apple is planting the story about iWatch". Mobile computing devices include thin, lightweight laptops, netbooks, smartphones, media players, gaming consoles, ebook readers, and ambient computing devices. Information Technology has changed the way companies do business. Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google recently said on his Google+ account, "For every person online, there are two who are not. Common mobile devices used in business are laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Some carbon nanotubes are semiconducting, and this means that they can be used in transistors" (Univ. Many information technology (IT) trust indicators are well documented such as the quality of the IT, trust assurances, brand recognition and social influences. Yes! Each application allows the user to contact their missing mobile device, receive its current location, lock the device, and even erase all data on the device. The Future of Mobile Computing: There are many planned devices that will change how we view mobile computing. According to a recent global report, Digital Megatrends 2015, by Oxford Economics, almost 60% of senior corporate executives expect mobile technology to provide the biggest boost to their businesses over the next five years, versus about 35% for business intelligence and cloud computing, and about 30% for … The operating system that a mobile device uses may also increase the risk. Mobile IT (mobile information technology) is the ability an information technology ( IT ) department has to deliver IT services to employees working on mobile devices. Glass introduces something new to the mobile computing field. All these technologies require heavy computing power, storage, and IT infrastructure. Unlicensed software, employee-installed applications on employee-owned mobile devices, can violate enterprise license agreements, which could compromise the integrity of the network. Studies done by Intel show BYOD is increasing in popularity and is growing. Mobile computing is the set of IT technologies, products, services, and operational strategies and procedures that enable end users to gain access to computation, information, and related resources and capabilities while mobile. ] Employing mobile computing sectors and industries will extend average life spans by 20 to years! `` VHD creates a complete desktop image that includes an operating system that a mobile in... Phone, the mobile web resource for students to use replace traditional computers fixed.! Transactions, and save gas money the need for businesses to fund their expansions... Consistent connectivity smartphones and tablets. the appearance of apps helped ease consumers ’ use of technology. 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