window replacement lead paint law

Check out the MA Childhood Lead Paint Poisoning Prevention law. No contract just a closing in three days. All the lead paint was disposed of afterwards. I've grown with this love and respect to this country, despite being living in hostile regime, regime wich seeded hate to anything what was remaining USA, and its people. You will now have to disclose that your house has lead base paint to new buyers. Duh, Thats what the government planned on. When we received our lease, the lead disclosure was crossed out which raised a flag for us. While there is no argument that lead is poisonous--we’ve known that for several centuries and it shouldn’t have been in the paint in the first place--the mandate to immediately remove lead paint from all older homes falls disproportionally on the poor and working class. It also kills Kids!!!! They go to their senators and reps. and start these laws to be voted on. Sellers must provide potential buyers with any records pertaining to the same and provide a federally approved pamphlet on lead hazards. We need to look at ourselves and what we do rather than do the easy thing like pass the blame to someone else . Many window replacement companies will have to become certified under the new Renovation, Repair and Painting Program. It sometimes takes half a day just to get an inspection off on a small jog. The Inspector I hired to do the inspection on 6-19, has indicated I do not need to have the house tested for lead because it was built after 1978. Angie's List Call Center, © 1995-2020, Angie's List. Now we are discovering that it is going to be even more difficult to find a disposal firm who can remove the debris. Use the in-page search or filters to find what you need. Many contractors who've been certified expressed frustration that the EPA hadn't launched a marketing campaign earlier. Experts say anyone with concerns about lingering lead-dust hazards should consider hiring professionals licensed to conduct testing and abatement. My son is now almost 3 and is developmentally behind and has been receiving early intervention services for almost 2 years. Uncle Sam will protect YOU... no matter what it may cost YOU. Do you know how many certifications, city, state and county licenses a plumber has to have to be legal and just do his business? The course I took suggested creating double walled plastic airlocks, completely covering rooms affected by work with plastic on the walls, ceilings and floors and also use swifters to clean every nook and cranny. Landlords have the same obligations toward potential renters before a lease takes effect. I make it a point to really interview potential clients over the phone now, ask how old the house is, if there are other contractors, are they EPA certifies, how much are they charging, etc. Lead Paint – All paints manufactured prior to 1978 had lead as one of the ingredients. For the folks that have pre 1978 housing; if you don't want to pay the costs of how to properly handle lead based paint, sell the property. it is now going into effect. The first said he was not interested in bidding due to this law. I am discouraging people from performing minor interior renovations that are not necessary. "If there is a dust clearance done at the end of the work, where sampling is done to make sure that there is no residual lead dust, that would be truly a comprehensive approach to the problem of lead hazards generated due to work that disturbs lead-based paint," he says. This is just crazy! While lead paint issues need to be address, the way the govt is doing it is poorly thought out, hurts our already shrinking small businesses, and will encourage more illegal activity. I hope that our citizens realize that small business is the foundation of our economy? Besides, it's not the government's responsibility to do it. This requirement will depress the value of older homes, forcing the people who can least afford it into deeper debt, foreclosure, and ultimately out of their homes. None of these things can be nearly as bad as they say or we would all be dead or brain damaged by now. covered stories of consumer complaints on services like locksmiths, florists, air duct cleaning and roofers. Fine lead residue is left after water dries. Yesterday, I was looking on old house with another guy. It was completed as scheduled. And, I've made MY OWN decisions without the help of the EPA. Privacy Policy | There is a reason that unlicensed contractors have no license. Rather than seeing this as a "final curtain" for your business, why not actually get certified and then help people understand the dangers and risks they are putting their children at for going with anyone NOT certified? It’s time to seriously consider replacing your windows — especially if you have young ones or a pregnant woman living in the home. So the little guy can either go out of business or just do small jobs that don't have to be inspected. a licensed Lead Inspector or certified Lead Renovator tests the paint to make sure that it is not lead based. Some 30+ years after the phase-out of lead-based paint we are now at a point where health risks to young children from this old paint technology are at about 0.5%, the EPA lumbers into action. Nobody wins here the homeowner or the contractor. Ever since the EPA has passed this insane RRP rule, I have been waiting for the new program abating lead from all the people's teeth that have had them filled with the junk. Yes, construction companies!!! Renovations that disturb lead paint can poison family members, visitors, and neighbors. I think the penalties are so strong, that it will prevent a huge influx of illegal repairs. I have no agenda driving me to write this. Draconian environmental laws can have repercussions that far outweigh the advantages; in this case forcing people to choose between a lead-free home and no home is not good law. Children and adult workers have been lead poisoned and suffered long term health effects from unsafe work practices for way too long. Use exhaust fans when using chemical strippers indoors. The new lead paint lawsrequire any renovation work performed on houses built before 1978 to be performed by a certified contractor. The EPA wants to protect us against the hazards of lead paint. Benefits of health and wellbeing for work, Queensland University of Technology: Wellness Matters, New approach to mental health in resources sector, Notify Workplace Health and Safety Queensland or the Electrical Safety Office, Notify WorkCover Queensland or your workers' compensation insurer, National Association of Testing Authorities, lead paint removal/residential buildings audit checklist, Workers' Compensation Regulatory Services, Allied health and return to work providers. This new epa rule is nothing but a money grab. I explained this to my daughter that lives in a house built in 1867. But Bill Simone, president of the Custom Design & Construction in Los Angeles, says the EPA can't adequately project the costs because it's not out in the field, doing the work. Same rule applies with the purchase of a vehicle. I would love to have helped out a small local contractor, but these guys are terrified of this law. We just paid almost double the amount for a contractor who was certified. Tape around the door seals of refrigerators. FYI - the EPA does not make "laws", hence titling this piece the "EPA Lead Law" is a misnomer, and indicates a fundamental misunderstanding. People need to understand this is all about money. Vacuum all surfaces including the tarpaulin used for exterior work with a suitable commercial vacuum cleaner fitted with a HEPA filter. This is getting way out of hand. I think this is going to be a bad situation. Wouldn't having double the money in your pocket (*although you do need to take extra precautions!) A list of accredited laboratories is available from the. Is this guy hosing me? A one horse company can't afford this but the big concerns can. then there is the set-up and takedown time, the record keeping, the cleaning, the cleaning is costing us EASILY $500 to $1000 on a $30K job, and that's after the initial investment and the inspection fees. Wear a half face respirator for organic vapours, safety glasses, overalls and chemically resistant gloves. How about protecting us from the dangers of starvation? EPA's Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP) Rule requires that firms performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities and pre-schools built before 1978 be certified by EPA (or an EPA-authorized state), use certified renovators who are trained by EPA-approved training providers and follow lead-safe work practices. Shovel paint debris into heavy duty plastic bags. That's insane. The problem isn't the government , the problem is home builders and hack contractors maximizing there profits , Using the cheapest labor to be found . We can't afford butter. The icon will be accompanied by the following text: “EPA Lead-Safe Certified: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has certified this company as trained in proper lead safety techniques for work that may disturb lead paint in homes, schools and child-care facilities built before 1978.”. Please contact Kachina Lead Paint Solutions for all your training & supplies needs. This is a regulation that is way overdue. If they really cared they would have a EPA person at every job. Dispose of cloths and mops to avoid spreading lead dust during cleaning. Shame on this administration!!! Test all surfaces and layers of paint to be removed to determine if the paint contains lead as lead-based paint cannot be identified by its appearance. "[But] we certainly do intend to address violations. Allow it to become another persons problem. I solicited bids from 2 licensed painting contractors to do some interior painting in my 1911 home. Everyone in this business has already taken a beating. Beginning April 22, 2010, a new regulation from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires contractors that disturb lead-based paint in homes, businesses and schools constructed before 1978 to be certified and follow stringent procedures to prevent lead contamination. If our government wants to help, start first with cigarettes , Avoid working in windy conditions, as the lead dust and paint might be blown off the plastic sheeting as it dries. I went to the RRP certification class, the things they spoke of our company has been doing for years . Wet-clean hard surfaces using a carpet steam cleaner or by wet mopping several times. Doesn't make sense to me. Check with the waste management section of the local council about proper waste disposal. Hi Eric, I believe that this is a huge mistake! Lead Safe Renovation, Repair, and Painting. Learn about the Acts, Regulations and codes of practice we are responsible for and find information on workplace inspections and prosecutions. But why are you so self-destructive, why are you let your government to manipulate you so much? This lead driven thing is just a scam~! Risk: Lead dust may be generated if the shroud of the sander extends beyond the surface being sanded or if the sander is not kept flat on the surface. The casement windows, which are wood framed with separate lights, are in terrible shape: hinges painted over, putty falling out, paint peeling. With this additional $75 per window charge, I will not be able to replace my windows. They might as well start tearing down all the pre 1980 homes and start rebuilding them. Easy for the govt to do just create another branch of govt & print more money. Visually, there was nothing in the vial, I think it was empty!! stephanie If paint is in good condition there may be no need to remove it unless major renovation and comprehensive removal is planned. Time to do paperwork and post notices will cost three times that. We are closing on a 1955 home this month and were planning on starting a family. I just sold a building for less than it originally cost in 1982. Way to kick an industry when it is down. Cover the floor with disposable double plastic sheeting and tape the sheeting to the skirting boards. We need to tell our customers we are now going to raise our prices again. If your home was built before 1978 and you still have the original windows, you may have lead paint. Use impervious materials such as tarpaulin or plastic sheeting to prevent dust from travelling to neighbouring properties. I am glad that the EPA is getting tough about this, for this is a matter that hits close to home for my family. (Photo by Brandon Smith). Use a spray bottle to wet down all dust and debris lying on the plastic sheeting before taking them up. He will live in same apartment. Transport debris and solid waste materials containing lead to waste systems.,, Dan, Is this really what our citizens want? So you wanted change? I took my children back this past Tuesday to be retested; today the doctor called to make us aware that my son's levels are "through the roof" and my daughters is elevated also. It might work for a little while but in the long run, down comes the house. Think about it. Carefully read the manufacturer's instructions before using the test kit. In a press release, EPA’s New England regional administrator Curt Spalding stated, My brother did renovation with someone who had no clue and ended up sanding their lead paint. For most pre-1978 housing and child care facilities, work that will disturb six square feet of lead-based paint for any interior (inside) room or 20 square feet of lead-based paint on the outside of a house also … my understanding is that these regulations, although they go into effect this month, were scheduled by the last administration. No big deal to those that print money, but to those that do not it is. The Lead-Safe Window Replacement Strategy: The lead-safe window replacement strategy was designed to realize the long-term energy savings and lead hazard reduction benefits of window replacement and protect against other lead paint hazards. They do not care about your safety. Unfortunately, too many people blame this on the EPA and continue business as usual, harming our children and our future. I am retired Military and did not fight for this. Some analytical laboratories can provide a precise analysis of lead presence and its concentration. I wouldn't even agree to half a job! There are health and safety risks associated with working with lead-based paint. Sometimes lead-based paint may be covered by more recently applied paint and becomes a workplace health and safety issue when the paint deteriorates and becomes powdery or flaky, or during paint removal. Lead based paint's risk has diminished substantially. Unintended Consequences: I recently got an estimate for new gutters and the company wants to charge an addition $1000 because of the new EPA law - because his guys need to wear protective covering, yet prior to this, he told me his guys always wear protective covering?! I am a operation Manager for a Restoration company , I am trained in lead. i will just be ignorant untill some headlines are made here in va no one advertises this law but i did see a class in a paint store very few contractors know about it. Close the windows unless using a torch or open flame or chemical strippers. Thank you, EPA, for these rules. I am a floor covering contractor. This is $550 for every trade except lead abatement that is significantly more. How did I ever make it to age 55 without the govt taking such great care of me~! I believe some customers are willing to pay the extra cost. This will price us out of business. I made an offer on a home built in 1979. She did renovations.... done by a licenced contractor starting in May of 2010. We are a couple just starting out and we dont have that kind of money to be getting tests like this done every time we want to work on our home that was built in 1930. Isn't this cruel? So be forewarned: If you have an older home and the paint is in anything less than pristine condition, get your house painted before you get caught. If further sanding is required after applying a chemical stripper, wear a combined particulate and organic vapour filtration cartridge respirator. Basically, it is now impossible to work on a pre 1978 home with children. Where was the EPA back in the 70's when I was unknowingly having my life endangered by a trip to the dentist? NO ONE from any government has contacted us about this certification and its mandates. Complete exterior work before doing the interior. This law will cause people not to remodel or do it themselves- much more dangerous. If you have decided to remove the paint, choose a safe removal method. Some 8.4 million renovation projects will be regulated by the new rule in the first year. After the last two years I have had hanging on to my business by a thread due to the recession I guess this is the final curtain. We still had our workers double tent the area and wear respirators as a precaution. In the last few years its been break even on jobs , No one will pay 3 to 4 times the price of the job Now. 1 out of every 5 deaths are related to smoking, second hand smoke. Certified trainers say they're concerned that noncompliant firms will outbid them for jobs and unwitting customers won't know the difference. These include plasterboard, vinyl wall coverings, wood panelling and floor coverings such as carpet, tiles or vinyl. I was not aware of the lead paint issue until the disclosure paperwork. Shouldn't lead filling removal be of a concern if this regulation is truly to protect people? I have already turned down three small interior remodels in older homes with children as a direct result of this law. The best, most current, example is the intention of the EPA to essentially regulate "cap & trade" into existence, regardless of the fact that the Congress seems unable to pass a "cap & trade" law. But lead safety advocates, contractors and public health officials say that too few homeowners and contractors know about the law and that the EPA won't be able to effectively enforce it. Use plastic drop sheet that has the edges raised with wooden studs to collect water. Drinking, look at the deaths and car wrecks that kill, I dont know anyone that has died from lead, but lots from cancer and drinking linked deaths. Place lead-containing debris into deflated heavy duty plastic bags and seal them. Apparently, this is OK but since I am just tearing out a few windows, I am endangering children unless I set up interior and exterior containment areas and then toss hundreds of square feet of plastic into a land fill. Dampen dusty outside areas with spray from a garden hose and sweep and collect debris. this legislation was on the books prior to this administration. Lead dust is difficult to remove from carpet, even with a HEPA vacuum cleaner. actually help your business more? And the final insult the city chooses to add to the injury? Renew the solution frequently to prevent it becoming contaminated. Only 1 trainer in Kansas City area. I never wear mask, uncomfortable. I had some forethought in this area and took the lead course in 2007. Where were the window manufacturers lobbyers when we needed them? If you notify people of POTENTIAL problems, they can make up their own minds. Everything you need to know about worker’s compensation insurance, whether you’re an employer needing to insure your workers or a worker who’s been injured at work. I must also register as a firm and pay $300 for this. The "Greenies" all want us to live like drones in condominiums that all look alike with no character what so ever (unless you call different colors of corrugated metal character) so that we can walk to work. Move play equipment and personal belongings away from the work area and cover sandpits. $35 added per project my A$$!!! just look at the massive number of character homes that have been wiped out to build ugly condos and apartments (Ballard and Downtown Seattle ,Rainer). BTW My family’s bread and butter is remodeling jobs on older homes. Children can be poisoned if they chew on surfaces coated with lead-based paint, such as window sills and door edges. State law prohibits any person from using lead-based paint on any interior surface, on the porch of any dwelling, on any exterior surface to which children may commonly be exposed, and on any household use article except where lead-based industrial paint is applied to a household appliance. The federal regulation — known as the Renovation, Repair and Painting Program — holds contractors responsible for following strict protocol to minimize and contain lead dust during home improvements on residences built before 1978, the year lead paint was banned in the U.S. Guess what. Shouldn't their at least be a waiver for people with lead fillings so they don't have to follow such stringent rules? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it completed 117 federal enforcement actions from October 2018 through September 2019 to ensure entities such as renovation contractors comply with the agency's lead-safe practices. i have been in construction and remodeling homes for over 15 years and i am about to get my lead paint certification ($190) then i have to certify my company ($300) and if the guidelines are as bad as i have been informed of not only will it drive up the cost of jobs but the thought of a $35,000 fine per day for missing one of there many rules is just to big of a risk to take. It's an 8-hour course that costs $250. I have heard that Sam is deliberately making life complicated for smaller businesses for this reason. Enter a zip below and get matched to top-rated pros near you. We are now at the point in this country where **regulations**, made by executive branch agencies, rather than **laws** created by the peoples' representatives, are ruling our lives. I try and stay up to date on regs. hank- The EPA’s new Renovation, Repair and Painting rules are already in effect. Change is hard but it can be done. A neighbor down the street was sanding and scraping the paint off his 1920's era house, in a breeze and sending lead paint dust all over the neighborhood. It has been a very emotionally trying experience. You GOT IT.You think BP will get fined for dumping 1 million gallons of oil a day in the gulf? Contact Us | Why are you at time of election listen to demogogues, who pursue their own agenda? Scrape softened paint directly into a disposable container before it rehardens to avoid having to sand or scrape to clean it up. Interesting article about who is behind this- the Home builders and the delay of enforcement. By him self has him scrape , sand, a d prep.and paint,BY HIMSELF... and only offers a dust mask .after three-four days into scrapping and sanding .ONLY TILL HE PAINTS HOUSE,DOES HE Get told by the homeowner .that mabey the new paint was blistering up and has cracks, because of exsisting lead paint !the house was built in late 30'sthat is when I started researching lead based paints.what should I do???? Attach the tarpaulin to house guttering at the top and to the plastic ground sheet at the bottom.

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