mexican slang dictionary pdf

I-Griega noun The letter Y. Cuchupo noun A Sinaloan expression for a dishonest person, or a trickster. What do you want to comer?. Literally to rub ones loins in order to achieve something. e.g. Tasojkamatik expression Thank You in the Nahuatl language. Buchn noun A male member of the Sinaloa Cartel. La Pera A particularly sharp turn along the road from Mexico City to Cuernavaca. Bond, Reinstatement of Reposicin de la fianza Bond, Surety Fianza avalada por un fiador, fianza de caucin/garanta Bond, to Post Pagar/Depositar la fianza Book, to (someone) Fichar Bonds (figurative, ties") Vnculos, nexos, enlaces, races (en la comunidad) Boss Jefe (a), patrn (a) Breach of Peace Alteracin de la paz, perturbacin del orden pblico To save someones ass. Prstame quinientos varos guey. 2. noun One. Take the money, or get shot. Que choro nos ech! (What a load of bullshit he came out with! What a kicking!). Cohete noun A pistol. For example, a 16-year-old girl might be described as a vieja by a 16-year-old boy, despite the fact that she is still young. Taquear verb 1. Yastas exclam Informal way of saying, or writing, ya estas (There you go). Ojete noun Asshole, given that the technical meaning of the word is a circular perforation or opening. Cargar la Cruz verb To be hungover. Meterse hasta la cocina expression Descriptive of someone or something which is very invasive or imprudent. The lime is more valuable than the sand, and therefore by trading one for the other, he who receives the sand ends up worse-off. bueyes nos toc arar, Con esos expression Meaning that a person has no option but to work or collaborate with certain other individuals, even though they may not be apt for the task. e.g. Pronounced 'Tasosh Ka Ma Tik. Luckily, many websites are offering rich collections of . Very common expression meaning that something is excellent excellent, or the best. 20 Mexican Slang Words 1. Comes from the Nahuatl word for a tent or makeshift shelter. 9. Escupe Lupe exclam Sacrilegious and offensive expression demanding that a person hurry up and play, most commonly used in dominoes. Zarandeado noun A food preparation style, in which a fish is basted in a blend/rub of spices, and then grilled over charcoal. This is because in past years, suitors were not permitted inside the home to visit, and so spent their time wooing their beloved from the front railings (reja) of her house. Me tiene hasta la madre (Im completely sick of it). Dragon, Boy, Mexican Brown, Thunder, Skunk Hydrocodone or Dihydrocodeinone Brands: Vicodin, Lortab, Lorcet, others Vike, Watsons, Watson-387, Vics, Vicos, Hydros, Lorris, Fluff, . Dictionary of Spanish Slang and Colloquial Expressions.pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. V Grande noun The letter B. Gorgojo noun A insect pest which damages corn and bean crops. Poca madre (Really cool) 4. Vaya exclam A polite expression often used to convey surprise at the size of the task at hand or question posed. Medios Chiles, Estar a adj The merry, or tipsy state of drunkeness. Cakito noun A young thug or would-be gangster. Date exclam Assention that an individual should proceed with their plans. From Valer Madre. It comes from the Nahuatl word Alcopili, meaning crown. Zetas noun A criminal cartel originating in northeastern Mexico (Tamaulipas and Veracruz) founded by a special forces military task force which went rogue, forming its own criminal organization, initially against the Gulf Cartel. A clown. 10. La Cal que pela expression Descriptive of a person who appears to be very innocent, but is in fact very abrasive or problematic. Chilln noun A whiner, or someone who is regarded as a complainer. exclam Wow! noun The figure of Death. Un chingo: A lot, many or much, can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. The oxford dictionary of slang. Some of the worlds most gifted runner, Raramuri means light feet, or hard feet in their native language. Literally Reverend Idiot'. The writer, the artist, the dramatist, the cinematog-vii 7_3929_DOSpanSlang_FM 7/19/08 8:54 AM Page viii. Literally to eat clown. You can also say padre instead, both words mean the same. e.g. Cartel del Golfo noun Organised crime organisation from the state of Tamaulipas. Malinchista noun A Mexican national who prefers foreign nations to his own. Halconear verb To spy or follow someone in a clandestine way. Pinole noun A dry mix of ground corn flour, sugar, cinnamon and other spices, which can be either eaten on its own, or mixed with liquid to make atole. Also known as Aporreadillo. Ese personal pronoun A very chicano way of saying him, or that guy. Poca-madre adj Depending entirely on context it can mean: 1. A task which takes a great deal of effort, Chingarse algo verb To steal, shoplift or nick something. e.g. Con Permiso expression A polite, or good-mannered way of saying goodbye, passing by, or entering into a place where one is invited. Ese profesion es mi gallo (This is the profession I want to be in). Trompazo noun A punch in the face, or on the nose. Duda, no quedarse con expression To go ahead and do something that you are considering. Vali (Madre) exclam Descriptive of a thing which is finished, or broken. After a heavy drinking session, clients would buy their te-por-ocho pesos in the street in the hope of mitigating their hangovers. e.g. Birote noun A crusty, french bread style Telera, most commonly found in Jalisco State. Chilangada noun A rude of discourteous action undertaken, befitting of a Chilango. Ponchar adj To roll a joint, or skin up. A su mecha! 2. noun A good friend or personal acquaintance in whom one has confidence. Meanings from this dictionary are not explanatory like in a book but rather representative through synsets from WordNet. For example, if a Mexican national calls a Mexican-American "pocho," it might be offensive and his way of saying "You're Spanish isn't good enough" or "You aren't a real Mexican." However, a lot of Chicanos call themselves this. Chaln noun An employee, most often in the context of physical labour. To belong to a royal or very rich family. Se la anda comiendo (Hes been shagging her). Furthermore, a semantic dictionary was generated as complement to the morphological dictionary. Pollera noun Yucatan regional synonym of Guajolotera. Comes from the word for falcon. Hecho la Chingada expression Moving at a very fast pace. Also hails from nautical heritage. Jayito noun Pronoun for a person of Arabic descent, often used in a fresa, or pretentious, context. Hocico, Tener Caliente el expression Literally to have a warm snout, this in an expression used to denote a persons stage of enibriation, when after having had a few alcoholic drinks, to have a desire to drink more. Traes pual sobre el presidente (Youre right about the President). Costar un Huevo expression For something to be very expensive, or require a great deal of effort. Tinto - For Chilean Speakers it is the word for "black coffee". verb To enjoy oneself, or have a good time. Chido adj. Equivalent of Whatshisname. e.g. Oye, cuculuste! (Hey, curly!). Also Sape. Quesillo noun Oaxaca cheese. : exclam Common insult which is relatively self explanatory. Equivalent of spill the beans. Estribo, el del noun The final beverage of a drinking session. A Gusto expression Descriptive of being content, or at ease, in a situation. Escamol noun Ant larvae which are eaten, most commonly in the Bajo region of the country. See below for the ever expanding list. Chingar verb. Huevn noun A lazy or work-shy individual. Bonus fact: Selena sings aguas in the beginning of the . El tiene un chingo de dinero (He has a lot of money), Duele un chingo (It hurts a lot). Me mama, Te mama, Le mama, Nos mama, etc. De Pelos Antiquated description of something which is very good or impressive. Pinche 1. Mexican Slang from Mexico Guru Popular Mexican Slang Aventura Literal Meaning: adventure Meaning: affair No sabas que Jaime tuvo una aventura con su secretaria? Simn exclam Affirmation meaning yes. Cacique noun A member of the economic ruling class, or landowning classes. e.g. Dar el gatazo adj For something to appear from afar, to be of very high quality or beauty, but upon closer inspection, for that assumption to be proved wrong. exclam Lets go! Synonym of the imperative vmonos! Me Caga exclam Expression meaning something or someone is irritating, or makes you angry. A verb originating from the nahuatl native language meaning to embrace with the soul. Las de la casa noun The term for the final round of drinks, which in Mexican culture are often expected to be given free of charge, or on the house. Hacerle la jarocha verb To tell someone off, or to give someone a bollocking in the British idiom. Ese wey es bien entrn (Hes quick with his fists). Sobres exclam Expressing the affirmative. Poc Chuc noun A dish originating from Mayan cuisine, this is pork marinaded in lime and spices, before being grilled. Huichol noun Indigenous peoples native to western Jalisco and Nayarit states. This slang dictionary seeks to support parents, carers and professionals to better understand the language young people may be using and support them to safeguard young people. Often used in the context of narcotrafficking kingpins. It is widely used in Chile. This can mean really amazing or really awful, depending on how you use it - think something like 'sick' in English. . tirar a la portera. Pollero noun A human trafficker who moves groups of undoucmented mgirants across Mexico and into the United States. Mueren Burros, No a cada rato expression Denoting that something is a special occasion. When enough was amassed, this drink was available for a much lower price, but was nevertheless moustache flavoured. cooked in its own fat), most famously from Michoacan. Mexicans have a huge vocabulary of swear words, which many are different from Spanish swear words when Spaniards use them. Pararse el culo expression To act in a pretentious of superior manner. Commonly eaten in Mexico and the wider region. Tenemos tiempo que no bochincheamos (Its been ages since we tore it up.). An expression most commonly used in the southeast of the country. Different sporting institutions often have their own specific chants, sung by the crowd at their events, but a common example of a very Mexican porra goes: X, X! Comes from the word for goat, given the curved magazine similar to the animals horn. Estar crudo (To be hungover) 8. (Their excuse makes no sense whatsoever). Whatsappazo noun A damaging rumour spread through the social media messaging platform WhatsApp. Temazcal noun A prehispanic steam bath, in which a brew of herbs is poured over hot volcanic stones. Mande exclam Signifying that what was just said has not been fully heard, or understood. Comedic term for the Diana the Huntress statue, which is a common sight in Mexican cities, given that the figure is bare-breasted. Pacheco 1. noun A stoner, or someone who enjoys smoking marijuana. No mames exclam You cant be serious, or What the fuck?. Table 1 presents some Mexican Slang Expressions. Penultima noun The final beverage of a drinking session, the final drink being the one taken before you die. Given that the roots of organised crime in the area stems from the production of marijuana and opium in the mountains of Sinaloas Sierra Madre mountain range, the inhabitants of the region did not have access to clean drinking water, and the water they did have access to was often contaminated by chemical fertilizers which had the unusual effect of swelling a regular drinkers neck. No seas rajn. Mexican Slang to Master for Casual Conversations Some of these terms and phrases below are NSFW. In Mexican slang, chamarra means jacket. Vamos al bar. Fresa (slang), slang, socially used in Mexico and some parts of Latin America to describe a cultural stereotype of superficial youngsters Armando Fresa, (1893 - 1957), Italian politician and Civil Engineer Officer; See also. For example: "Hazlo al tiro". Literally the clown took him away. Jarocho noun A native of the coast of Veracruz state. e.g. Te escribo por whats (Ill write to you on WhatsApp). Stemming from the days in which a taxi meter was similar in appearance to a roulette wheel. You've probably heard the English expression "big shot": a person with a lot of money, power, or influence. Amanerado adj A man who has an effeminate manner, or camp. Juarense noun A native of Ciudad Juarez. Rebozo noun A traditional scarf worn by women. Dar Largas verb To continue to put something off, without ever saying no to it. Entrn/a noun An individual who is quick to anger and physical violence. Excellent. Literally, I sell tomatoes, not marbles. Used in the context of taking a quick decision. Equivalent in English is nice from far; far from nice., Dar en la Torre expression To exert pressure, or inflict damage, upon an opponent or rival. Chilo adj A Baja-Californian equivalent of Chido. Although agua still means water in Mexico and beyond, aguas is a Mexican slang word that means "watch out" or "be careful.". i.e. e.g. The term has since come to describe the style and culture espoused by women of Sinaloa State. Al pedo adj Alert, or up to speed with a given topic. lets do it!, sure!. Generic term generally meaning assent, most commonly used in Mexico City and the surrounding area. I have a lot of work.. Check out MExico Relocation Guide, Thinking of moving to Mexico? Puta is incredibly versatile, found in Spanish all over the world and even in English when code-switching.. First and foremost, it's an insult, used to call someone a "slut" or degrade them in general. (**** yeah!) Esta bien bueno. Date. 2. No manches exclam A polite way of saying No Mames. Terrible e.g. Hampn noun A gangster, from the word hampa. Atole noun A traditional drink made from corn, in which the starch from the grains forms the base of the beverage. Can also be used in other contexts. Dont be offended if you are called Gero, its not an offensive term. 1. noun Derogatory term for a left-leaning political activist, who most commonly expresses their views through social media. See this report for more information on Escamoles. Images for hundreds of entries. What a pain in the arse.). Gila noun Also; loba, vampira, gatita, zorra. Literally, to cut someones testicles off. Plata o Plomo exclam Expression translating literally to silver or lead, and used to describe the choice often faced by people threatened by organized crime. la fiesta estaba desangelada (the party was dead). tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. The domiciles are usually slum-like, and paracaidistas often arrive in force, and are later very difficult to remove. Commonly expresses their views through social media messaging platform WhatsApp of swear words when Spaniards use them finished or... Some of these terms and phrases below are NSFW temazcal noun a drink. 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mexican slang dictionary pdf